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{Chapter 10: All I Want For Christmas}

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{Chapter 10: All I Want For Christmas}

"Tell me again why were celebrating christmas with the Matthews?" Axel said confused watching Rose finish getting ready. "Dad couldn't he has meetings" Rose started stopping doing her make up to look at the boy through the mirror.

"But he said if he could get out of them he will meet us at the Matthews" Rose added with a small smile. "Alright I'm ready" Nathan says walking into Rosie's room.

"Me. Too" Rose said grabbing her bag, then looking in the mirror. "So are you guys just going to ignore the elephant in the room?" Axel asked the twins.

"Yes, Axel because that's all we can do we can't ask him to stop working for christmas" Rose said starting to get annoyed with the boy. "Even if I want too" She added quietly walking out the door.

"Please tone it down, I know it's our first christmas without him but were trying to still make it fun even if our dad's not where" Nathan told his best friend pulling the boy back. "Alright" Is all the boy said sighing knowing there right.

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"Hey Maya" Rose said walking up to the girl, as she was about to buzz the Matthews. "Sup" Maya says to the girl buzzing the Matthews.

"Shawn?!" They hear Mr. Matthews yell. "Maya!" Said the blonde.

"Rose!" "Axel!" Nathan!" Everyone else added. "Shawn!" The men child yelled again.

"Aw, what's the matter? Your boyfriend's not here yet?" Maya said sarcastically. "He's not my boyfriend!" The men yelled.

"Sure... now let us up you man child!" Rose said sarcastically then demanding, as the man buzzes them up. "I don't even think he exists" Maya says walking in the Matthews home.

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