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*Hey guys :) So this is a BoyxBoy if you haven't realized. But here We go. Sorry if it seems graphic or sad.*

"Think happy place. Think happy place." I thought to myself. I needed my mind to place me somewhere else. Anywhere else. I couldn't stay in this car mentally.

I felt his hands run across my naked body. This man was near his sixties and he was using me. I couldn't stand being used. But I needed to be used. It was the only way I was sure that people still wanted me. The only way I could make a living since that day.

His grunts reached me ears making me shudder. "Come on happy place." I thought to myself. But I knew I couldn't escape the pain these guys caused me. His body was mashed against mines, lust controlled his urge to use me.

No happy place would ever come to me. There was no more light in my life. Only darkness and despair. I let him keep at his work using me to his heart's content. When he was done he gave me the money and kicked me out his car.

He drove off before I could even see how much he gave me. I walked down the street until I was under the sole street lamp. I flipped through the money he gave me. All ones and the total was ten pounds.

"Holy Fuck!" I said to the cold night air. I couldn't believe this. There wasn't nothing else I could do. My stomach started to growl though I didn't know what I could do.

I looked down the street and saw the Golden M in the sky. I limped my way down the street. That old man left me sore and broke. I opened the door to the fast food joint.

"Can I take your order?" The guy behind the counter asked me.

I ordered the cheapest thing I could. I knew it wouldn't fill me up but I needed the remainder of the money for later on. I went to the corner and ate my food quietly sticking to myself.

I heard the chatter of a couple of guys and saw a group of boys. They sat on the other side of the building and ate their food. But they kept glancing at me. I felt so uneasy, I rushed with my eating. Then I quickly hurried out the restaurant.

The silence was deafening. I had to hurry and find a safe place to hide. Their voices broke through the night air. They were steadily getting closer to me, following me. No, they were stalking me.

I turned the corner and kept running. The walls closing in on me, eventually coming to a complete halt. A wall blocked my escape, my chance for survival.

I whirled around to see six figures walking closer to me. I tried to back up but the wall stopped my retreat. They just came closer and closer until we were face to face.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot." One of the guys said. "He's a pretty one." There was slight chuckles throughout the group.

I lunged forward trying to get past the guys. But I knew my life wouldn't be that easy. A fist came to my stomach carving it's way in. The air left my body in a hurry and I fell to the ground. I could feel the tears escape down my face.

The bodies shifted around me. My arms were pintdown to the ground along with my legs. I felt the cold air against my bum as one of them pulled my pants down. I could hear the rattle of a belt being undone. Then one of them was on top of me and I felt him inside me.

I let out a screen of pain and tried to fight my way out of their grasps. But each movement I made was met with a fist. I couldn't get free from these guys. Each one having a turn with me. Each one beating me when I fought back.

Finally I gave up and closed my eyes. "Think happy place." I thought as the pain seared through each part of my body. I tried to think, hoped one would come. But nothing came to me. I couldn't escape from the situation. There was no happiness, no light. There would never be none.

After an hour of this pain they were done. They got up leaving me there on the ground bruised and tattered. I couldn't even move from my spot. I just curled up in a ball and laid there. The tears never stopped flowing down my face. I eventually fell asleep there in the cold. All alone with nobody to help me.

**hey so I'm moving all my 1D stories from my other account DayDay1313. that's officially going to be my non fan fic account. Btw pic of Jayden to the side**

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