Chapter Five

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I got to admit, splitting up from Louis. Not one of my greatest plans. It's been at least four days since we last saw Harry. Now it's a five-guys search party. Louis took the north side of town, Zayn the west, Liam the east and I the south. Niall searched around the area where we lived, staying close by the house just in case Harry returned.

I honestly don't think I've been this worried since I lost my mom. I mean sure Harry and I weren't close friends. In fact I'm pretty sure we weren't friends at all. But he was important to the guys. And what's important to them is important to me. Even if it's the meanie head Harry.

The streets were dark and abandoned. It felt like I was in a horror movie. The moonlight was barely shining through the thick clouds blocking it. No people, no cars, no light. Just me and a bunch of dark alleyways to search. I wasn't scared... who was I kidding. I just knew something was gonna jump out and slash me up!


I stopped dead in my tracks. I had no idea what that was but it came from the nearby alley. And of course with my bad luck it appeared to be the darkest one I've seen so far tonight.

The wind picked up sending extra chills throughout my body. It was howling at me. Really mother nature? As if I'm not already ten seconds away from pissing myself.

"Hello?" I called out. I did a mental face palm. That's the sorta stuff that gets the dumb blonde kid killed in horror films.

I became a Ninja. Sticking to the wall creeping my way over to the alley. I peaked around the corner, squinting because it was completely dark. I couldn't see anything so I came from around the corner. I was still straining my eyes to catch a glimpse of anything.

The sound of glass breaking reached my ears again causing me to shriek. I quickly put my hands over my mouth. I was breathing extremely hard scared of the unseen. Since when have I been sucha coward? Well since tons of things happened to me in alleyways they've sorta been a fear of mines.

"Who's there?" A husky voice yelled from the shadows. I froze in place. A minute rolled by before the husky voice spoke again. "I said who's there?" The guy slurred. Wait a second, I know that voice.

"Harry!?" I called out to the shadows. Nothing. "Harry is that you?" I called. I got brave and decided to go check for myself.

This by far was the longest alley ever. I kept taking unknown steps until I heard something crunch under my foot. I pulled out the cellphone Louis gave me and used it to illuminate the ground in front of me. Shards of glass decorated the ground, all from brown beer bottles.

"What do you want?" A voice surprised me from the shadows to my right. I whipped the phone in their direction and illuminated Harry's face. He threw his hand up shielding his eyes.

"Harry!" I said excited.

"Can you turn that off please?" He asked me. I did what he asked still standing in front of him.

"Are you drunk?" I asked taking in the scent of booze. His laughter filled the air around us. "You totally are!" Still laughter. "Where have you been?"

"Here, there, everywhere." He said calmly. I couldn't help it. I pulled my phone back out and brightened up our faces. He was frowning at me. But what really caught my attention was his eyes. They were red and puffy. He had been crying.

"Harry... are you okay?" I whispered. He nodded and smiled at me. His hand was fumbling with the empty been container.

"Why are you out here alone?" He asked. I let out a huge sigh of air.

"You know I could ask you the same thing!"

"True. True." He said nodding, his voice trailing off. I could tell his mind was elsewhere.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked calmly. His green eyes looked me in the face. Confusion was flowing all through them.

"Yea." He said softly. I could tell he was lying. I may be blonde. But I'm not dumb.

"Fine than." I said. "I guess I'll tell the guys I found you." I quickly sent the text to Louis and the others. "I'm going to find out the name of the street." I said turning around to go back to the main road.

"No." He said in an almost pleading voice. I turned to face him. "I want you to stay." He said in a barely audible tone.

"What?" I questioned. "Harry I got to-." My sentence was cut off by him. He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me down into an embrace. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly.

"Please don't leave me." He whispered, his voice choking a little. I flashed the phone across his face to reveal teardrops falling from his eyes.

"Harry." I said softly. He rested his chin on my head, soft cries escaping from his body. I could feel his body shake with each uncontrollable tear. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly.

"Don't. Ever. Go." He kept saying in between each gasp. I didn't know what to do. I just held him tightly, tears forming in my eyes at the sight.

"What happened?" I asked once he was starting to get himself back together.

"Why don't you love me?" He surprised me by asking.


"Why don't you need me?" He asked. I didn't know how to respond. Harry just asked me the one thing I never expected.

"Harry do you love me?" I asked softly. He looked away from me. The silence was a good enough answer for me. "I didn't know." I said in all honesty. I was completely overwhelmed and captivated by Louis that I didn't realize Harry's feelings. It wasn't hate he showed off. It was jealousy.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." He said. He looked a tad flustered still. I almost forgot he was drunk. But I knew he wasn't lying. A drunk man's mouth is a sober man's heart.

"No it's okay." I told him playing with one of the curls of his hair. He smiled, his dimples showing.

"I'm ready to go home." He said slowly. I smiled and nodded. I took his hand and we walked out of the shadows, side by side. I discovered a new side of Harry tonight.

Later on when we were home I made sure Harry got to bed. He was pretty much snoring as soon as his head hit the pillow. I wondered if he would remember what he said tomorrow. I know I would.

I walked in the living room to see Louis sipping some tea. He had one cup on the table for me also. The other boys were already asleep, tired from all the searching. I sat down beside him and sipped on my tea.

"Thanks." He finally said after a few minutes of silence. I looked up at his beautiful tan face that was staring back at me. His blue eyes transfixed on my face.

"For what?" I asked after taking a gulp of the best tea ever.

"For finding my bestfriend." He answered.

I couldn't help but smile at him. He put his mug down, then took mines out of my hand and placed it on the table beside his. He pulled me in closer and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, no problem." I said hugging him back. He kissed me on the forehead, his soft lips brushing against my skin.

"Be mines." He whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent chills down my spine. My eyes grew big from those words. I nodded and made the most deafening gulp of my life.

He pushed me down and got on top of me. He pinned both of my hands down above my head. He caressed my cheek with his other hand. He bent over until our eyes were locked, our breaths were in sync. He bent further and our lips met for the first time.

It was soft and passionate. He was being delicate with me as if I would crumble under his touch. His tongue bridges against my lips and then squeezed their way through, sending me into bliss. We both let out soft moans of pleasure. He eventually pulled up but was still on top of me.

"You're mines." He told me. "I'm going to take care of you. Nobody will ever hurt you again." He whispered. I nodded almost crying.

"Thank you." I said. He leaned in and kissed my forehead and held me tightly. I clung on for dear life, not wanting to let this go.

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