Chapter Six

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"So what are you going to do?" Harmony asked, sipping on her coffee.

I stared at the three girls that surrounded me at our little table. All of them were sipping different flavors of coffee. I was sipping on my ice cold strawberry frappée. I could deal with hot tea but not hot coffee.

Chattering took place around us. Random conversations reaching my ears and distracting me. I was trying my best to avoid the problem at hand.

"Earth to Jayden." Harmony said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmmm?" I asked her.

"What are you going to do about your love triangle?" She asked again.

I shrugged my shoulders. I mean honestly I had no idea what I should do. That's why I called for this meeting at Starbucks.

"Well he's just going to ignore Harry." Claire answered the question for me.

"But Harry admitted to his love first." Harmony retorted.

"You gotta remember he liked Louis first Harm." Lexi chimed in.

"Yea and he said they could date first." Claire solidified their argument.

"But don't y'all feel bad for poor Harry?" Harmony asked us.

"Ahhh, this isn't helping!" I groaned.

"Helping what?" Came an Irish accent we all knew so well.

We turned to see Niall coming towards us. He said his 'Mornings' to everyone before wrapping his arms around Claire. She smiled and rubbed his forearm as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"You look like you're planning something." Niall surprised us all by saying.

Curse him for being so attentive. He was staring at us with those round blue orbs he calls eyes.

"Nah, just having a friendly discussion." Claire told him.

"Oh can I join?" He asked.

"Umm..." I said looking at the girls for an answer.

They all wore the same blank expression I wore. I noticed how Niall was starting to look worried. He leaned off of Claire and looked at us all.

"Are y'all talking about me?" He asked.

"Since when did you start saying y'all?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Don't change the topic." He said.

"He doesn't know what to do about Harry liking him!" Claire blurted.

We all turned and have her the WTF look. She started blushing a scarlet red.

"I'm sorry." She squeaked. "But he was getting mad!"

"Harry likes you?" Niall asked, wide eyed.

Great just what I needed. Somebody in the house that knew about Harry's crush on me. But I think I can trust Niall.

"What should I do?" I asked him.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "Only you can answer this question. Well that question."

He was smiling at me. Harmony was nodding in agreement. Curse them both for being all smartsy. I never understand what they mean, or how to go by it. But I eventually find the answer.

"We should go." Niall told Claire.

She nodded and waved by as she got up and followed Niall out of the door. Harmony and Lexi waved their goodbyes as they got up and left out too. I sat there sipping my frappée unaware of the guy walking towards me.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked.

He was wearing a Starbucks apron. He had this smooth chocolate skin and short wavy hair. He stared back at me with these brown eyes from behind these black retro glasses. He was tapping a pen on a notepad, smiling at me. His name tag read Deshawn.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked him.

"Well I overheard the conversation and your friends were having." He told me.

"Overheard or were you listening?" I asked him.

He started laughing and sat across from me. I was baffled by this random guy.

"Ummm, exactly who are you?" I asked him.

"Oh, my bad. I'm Claire's bestfriend Deshawn." He said. He reached out and grabbed my hand shaking it. "I'm the one that gave y'all discounts on everything."

"Thanks." I said sipping my frappée again.

"So you want to talk about them?" He asked.

I nodded trusting one of Claire's friends. I went into full detail of everything that happened since I met the guys. He nodded at the appropriate times and kept his eye focus. At the end I stared at him waiting for a response.

"Harry Styles right?" He asked me. I nodded at him and he looked down to check his watch. He smiled and turned in the direction of the door. I followed his gaze and watched as the door opened.

First Louis walked in laughing ridiculously loud. Trailing behind him was an equally loud Harry. I looked at Deshawn for an answer to this.

"It's ten thirty." He told me. "They always come in at this time. Right before Louis goes to work."

My eyes grew big in horror. "Quick hide me!" I told him.

"Jayden?" Louis voice questioned.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath.

I smiled and waved at the approaching boys. They came and sat at the table and Deshawn left, leaving me alone with the two. Curse him!

"Hello boo!" Louis said. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I peaked over Louis's figure to catch a glimpse of Harry. He was glaring at Louis's back. Then his eyes met mines and they softened up. He looked at me with those leaf green eyes and smiled at me weakly. I smiled back but still embraced Louis hug much to Harry's despair.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked. He moved his chair closer to me while Harry sat across from us alone.

Deshawn returned with their usuals I'm guessing. He gave Harry his, who started playing with the straw and Louis his, who wasted no time slurping away.

"Um was thinking." I told him. I started sipping my nearly empty frappée. I was mostly getting whip creme now.

"What about?" Harry questioned. He was finally drinking his drink. His eyes lingered on me. Searching for s clue to my thoughts.

"Just things." Was all I said. Louis seemed satisfied with that answer. Harry still seemed to want an answer but decided not to linger.

"So I've decided, next Saturday, we're going on our first date." Louis told me.

I looked up at his smiling face. His blue eyes were shining brilliantly. My breath was stolen away from me by his presence. No matter how many times I see him I was breathless. He was as beautiful as an angel and just as kind.

"That'll be great!" I said excited. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Louis told me. He winked at me making me annoyed. I seriously hate surprises.

"Harry do you know?" I asked the silent boy.

Harry looked surprised by this question. His eyes lingered on me, then looked away. He did know.

"Tell me pleaseeeeeee!" I whined.

"Harry's my best mate." Louis told me. "You should know that he won't tell."

"Grrrr!" I growled. Louis burst into laughter and started playing with my hair.

"You're too cute." He whispered. I blushed a scarlet red. I still couldn't believe this guy was my boyfriend.

I looked back at Harry who was stirring his drink ignoring us. I also couldn't believe he liked me.

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