Chapter Four

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*Hey guys Hope you're enjoying it so far! I hope I can at least hit twenty reads per chapter sometime!*

"Nandos, Nandos, Nandos. We are going to Nandos!" Niall sang happily. Claire took no time joining in to his song. The thing that made me and the other two girls laugh is that we were already at Nandos! We been here for at least forty minutes and were already eating.

I was sitting across from Lexis, the short mixed one. I felt embarrassed at how pretty she was. She seemed pretty normal though. You'd think a gorgeous model like chick would be stuck up. But no she was really down to earth.

I looked at Harry who also seemed nervous. He was paired up with the lovely Harmony since they were both tall. She like Lexis, was very chill, beautiful, and relaxed.

I felt Harry's leg graze against mines. I turned and looked at him and he turned away blushing. "He's so odd." I thought.

We kept up our casual talk while eating, not really digging to deep into this. Our main goals were to make sure that Claire and Niall had a good first date. Honestly it was both of their first dates. It was going so well. We all watched as they laughed and joked around. Niall was talking with his mouth full which made Claire double over in laughter. By the end of the date they were holding hands and talking about how much they enjoyed each other.

"Aww, they're so cute!" Lexis said.

"I see some cute blue-eyed babies in the future." Harmony said. We couldn't help but laugh. Harry still sat there quietly.

"Well I think it's time to go." A voice came from behind me. I turned around and excitement flew throughout me.

"Louis!" I said unable to keep my smile in. He laughed as I jumped up and hugged him. I always felt safe in his arms no matter what.

"You're so happy!" He giggled. "Wait I got to be firm!" He said. He scrunched his face trying to make a serious face but his eyes were still gleaming. "I talked to Zayn and I'm very disappointed." He said wiggling his finger at me. I couldn't take Louis seriously. He just seemed too much like a kid to me.

"Awww are y'all dating?" Harmony and Lexis asked in unison. Damn, for girls that looked totally different but equally pretty they were very similar, kinda like twins.

"No!" Louis said way to quickly. A frown spread across my face. He didn't have to say it that fast. "Well at least not yet. It could happen though." He said smiling at me. He hugged me harder which sent butterflies throughout my stomach.

"Awww so cute!" Lexis chimed. I smiled at them. I looked at Harry, he was looking at me, his green eyes dim.

"Here's Jayden's number." Louis said handing a piece of paper to each of the girls.

"My number?" I asked.

"Yea, well I got a new one so I thought I'll give you my old one." He said waving a phone in front of me. I got happy and reached out for it but he held it out of my reach. "Naah not until we discuss your actions."

"Louissss!" I whined. Harry hopped out of the chair and walked out of the restaurant. "What's his problem?"

"Oh we know." Harmony and Lexis said together. They gave me the all knowing look before they got up. "Claire you staying with Niall?"

"Yea, we might go to a movie." She answered, her eyes twinkling. Niall smiled and nodded.

"Okay well call us later girly." They said. "And we'll text you Jayden." They told me before leaving.

"Come on." Louis said before leading me out.

"Have fun you two." I called behind me.

"Oh, we will." Both of their voices said together. My mind went plenty of places with that statement.

Louis and I couldn't control our laughter as we walked out to the car.

"Where Harry?" I asked realizing that the car that Louis just unlocked was empty.

"Hmm he's probably walking." Louis said nonchalantly. "He does that when he needs to think." Louis said not digging to deep in the matter. I got in the car and Louis drove us home. Once inside he turned his attention to me.

"Yes?" I asked hoping he forgot.

"You know what." He said deeply crossing his arms. "Why did you do that?" He asked in this unfitting tone.

I let out a huge puff. "It's what I'm used I'm to." I told him. He shook his head and wagged his finger at me.

"You've been a bad boy Jayden." He said. He went on a full lecture saying how people are just nice, I shouldn't be a pervert, don't hit on any of the boys, drop the whore act, etc. etc. I stood there not believing that happy, sassy pants was all serious to me. He made me feel bad and I get it. It was a bad thing to do.

"I'm sorry." I said tears starting to swell up in my eyes. He shook his head and pointed to Zayn's room.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him." I nodded and walked to Zayn's room and tapped on the door.

"Yes? Hold on." Zayn called from the other side of the door. I heard some noise and then the door cracked open and Zayn poked his head out, not allowing the door to open any further. He looked at me and smirked. "Yes, little horndog?"

I frowned at his nickname for me. "I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I should've never done it. I never will again. I apologize." I said being real sincere about it.

He cracked a smile and forced his arm through the crack. Then he tussled my hair and told me, "It's okay blondie, I forgive you. Let's just forget about it okay?" I smiled and nodded and he winked at me. "See ya tomorrow." With that he squeezed his head and arm back in and closed the door.

I walked back over to a laughing Louis. "You knew he had company?" I asked him. He nodded and kept laughing, so I punched him in the arm. He rubbed the spot and made a hurt face. Now it was my turn to laugh.

"You're such a perv Louis." I told him.

"I know right!" He said winking at me. We say down and watched t.v. making smart remarks. Louis is such a sassy pants. He kept calling people peasants which made me laugh. It's been at least two hours since we started watching t.v. I didn't mind because I was curled up under him. But something was still bothering me.

"Where's Harry?" I asked Louis. He looked at me and made a face.

"That's a good question." He said to me. "Where is that green-eyed freak?"

"Should we go search for him?" I asked him.

"Nahhh, he can handle himself." Louis said leaving it at that. I tried to let the matter drop but I couldn't.

"Louis I'm worried though." I whined. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Why? He's a growing boy." He said rolling his eyes. I nudged him in the ribs and he let out a long puff of air. "Fine, let's go look." He said as we got up.

"Thank you Louis." I said smiling at him.

"Mhmmm, you owe me." He told me.

"Oh?" I said lifting my eyebrows. "And what would that be?"

"Oh, you'll know when the time comes." He said smiling at me. He grabbed my hand and we walked outside to the car.

"Damn you." I said once we got to the car.

We got in and he reeved the car up. That's when something dawned on me.

"Um Louis."

"Yes?" He said slyly as we started driving off.

"Where do we start looking?"

He looked at me and smiled. "That my sir is a good question. I guess we have to stay up all night."

I smiled at this fact. I leaned my head and rested on his shoulder. This was the one thing that I wouldn't mind.

*come on guys seven votes? I thought y'all were One Direction fans but I guess not. smh at you Directioners! follow vote comment :)*

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