Chapter Eight

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I somehow found the willpower to curl out of Louis's bed. He still slept in the living room but he said it was because he didn't want to rush things.

I slumped my shoulders and edged my way through the room. I opened the door and heard the shower running.

A frown slapped itself on to my face. I really had to pee, it was my morning routine. Maybe it was Louis though. Gosh, I hoped so. I opened the door, walking into the steam filled room. I crept over to the toilet, who's lid was already up and commenced with my peeing. The water stopped as soon as I finished and I quickly tucked myself in.

A arm reached out and grabbed a hanging towel and went back behind the curtain. Then Harry emerged with a black towel wrapped around his wet waist. We both stared at each other through the bathroom mirror.

"Hello Jayden." He said smiling sadly.

"Good morning Harry." I said turning around after I washed my hands.

I couldn't stop staring at him. His body was still wet, his hair was matted against his head. His green eyes shined at me but still held a sense of sadness. His hands clung to the towel, keeping it held up.

"Harry you look sad." I whispered to him.

"What reason do I have not to be?" He asked silently.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "You're dating my best mate. You didn't even give me a chance."

"Harry..." I said softly.

"Right after I told you my feelings, you became Louis's boyfriend. You didn't even bother to wait for me. Why?"

I was taken aback, lost for words. Harry started to walk towards me. His presence and height started to overpower me. I was trapped against the counter and a wet Harry. His green eyes looked at me, still holding that sense of despair.

"Harry what are you doing?" I asked him.

"That is an excellent question." He said.

His thumb massaged my cheek as he got closer to me. I wasn't sure how to react. I was a frozen block of ice. His breath tickled my face as he leaned in closer. His thin pink loops brushed against mines. Finally they smashed together as Harry started to kiss me. The only problem with this situation was that I wasn't resisting. I let his kiss melt me, making me warm on the inside. He pulled me closer until our bodies met and held me in that kiss for as long as possible. He finally released me, a little shocked at his actions.

"Holy fuck." He whispered.

I dropped to the ground unable to control my emotions. I wanted Louis. I also wanted Harry. I didn't want him to kiss me but I didn't want the kiss to end.

"Harry this is bad." I said.

"But it feels so right." He said softly turning his gaze towards me. I nodded completely understanding. "So you agree? You felt it too?" He asked.

"I don't know what I felt or what to do." I told him in all honesty. "I have feelings for you both and it's eating me apart."

Harry started to grin at me. His dimples became pronounced and his eyes became a bright green.

"What?" I asked.

"You have feelings for me." He said smiling brightly.


"That means that I still have a chance. I hate to do this to Louis but I have to. I have to fight for you. I will fight for you." Harry said smiling down at me.

"You're gonna fight? Why? What's so special about me? I'm just a whore you guys picked up from the streets." I cried.

Harry shook his head at me. "No Jayden you're more than that. Much more special and valuable."

I looked up at him and smiled. He was being nice to me. I liked this Harry. Though the jealous Harry is hot too, I must confess.

"So are you ever going to change?" I asked him.

"What you like Louis's body more than mines?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't know, never seen it." I said shrugging.

"So you two haven't?"

"Haven't? Are you talking about sex?" I asked and he nodded. "Than no we haven't."

I never thought I would've ever seen him so happy in his life. He rushed out of the bathroom, leaving me confused. He came back in with a heart shaped box in his hand.

"Here, u hope you like it." He smiled sheepishly, handing me the box.

I opened it and looked inside. It was filled with assorted chocolate. I smiled up at him and he started blushing.

"Get dressed." I told him. He nodded and ran off again and I took my box and headed to the living room. I searched through the movie and decided on 'Pride and Prejudice.' It was a good love movie and I knew I'd probably be screaming at the girl for getting mad at Mr. Darcy even though I knew how the movie ended.

Harry came out wearing shiny jeans, a tight black skirt and a headband. I frowned at him and he stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

I motioned for him to sit next to me and he slowly came over, a worried look still plastered on his face. He sat down and looked at me. I reached up and pulled the headband down until it was around his neck. I smiled up at him.

"I like the curls." I said and pressed play.

We sat watching a movie I'm sure we've both seen plenty of times. We were however unconsciously feeding each other chocolate. Also I managed to lean up on him. He had his arm wrapped around me and I didn't notice until the end of the movie.

"Umm, how'd we get so close?" I asked as the credits started rolling.

I was about to get up by Harry tightened his grip on me. I turned and looked into his pleading green eyes.

"Please can we stay like this for a little while longer? I don't know when we can do this again."

I nodded, giving in to his demands. Plus it felt nice. Harry was this tall, lanky guy but was so warm and such a good cuddle buddy. I just laid in.his arms until I heard soft snores. I looked up and realized he fell asleep holding me. I smiled and eased my way out from under his arm.

I went to his room and grabbed his blanket. When I was about to leave I noticed a letter with my name on it on his dresser. I fought with the decision to open it and read it. I chose not to. When Harry's ready he'll give it to me. So I guess I'll just have to wait.

I dragged the blanket back to the sleeping Harry. I lifted his legs up and placed them on the couch and adjusted his body to what I hope was a comfortable position. I lifted his head and placed a pillow under it and finally put the blanket on him. He instantly curled up with it, just like a baby.

"I love you Jayden." He said in his sleep.

I froze in place. I wasn't sure what to do. Finally I made up my mind.

"I love you too Harry." I said before kissing his cheek.

The only problem was that I wasn't lying.

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