Chapter Nine

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"So you kissed them both?" Lexi asked. I nodded.

"Which did you like better?" Claire asked. I shrugged.

"Well are you going to tell Louis because this isn't good." Harmony informed me. I frowned because I knew she was right.

"I don't know." I told her.

I was really confused. I loved them both and I was unsure how to approach the situation. I didn't want to hurt neither of them but I knew it was impossible if I had to choose one or the other.

"Lord my poor baby." Harmony said.

I smiled a little, trying my best to hide my guilt. I want sure what to do. I looked at the clock. It was almost time.

"Any suggestions?" I asked.

"Tell him." Harmony said.

"Yea I'll have to agree." Deshawn said, walking over with my frappée.

I looked at the other two and they were both nodding. I couldn't hide my nervousness any longer. I took a huge gulp of my frappée, regretting it when the brain freeze attacked me. Come on be a man, I can do this.

The door opened and Louis walked in looking distraught. A nervous looking Harry was following him. Louis's eyes scanned the room and they found us. He came rushing over with a frantic Harry behind him.

"Oh shit." Harmony said.

"Can't be good." Claire stated.

"He looks pissed." Deshawn added.

"Want us to stay?" Lexi asked.

"Please?" I asked weakly.

The group nodded and scooted over in my direction just as Louis arrived in front of us.

"Were you ever going to tell me? How could you do this to me?" He screamed making a scene.

Everyone's eyes turned to us, Harry's was on me. Hi eyes were sad, regretful, and definitely apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I should've said something when it happened." I cried to him.

"Oh and that takes a week? I'm sorry your apology's a tad bit too late." Louis spat angry.

"It's not his fault. I pushed myself on him." Harry jumped in. 

"You have no right to speak right now." Louis turned on Harry.

"But Lou-" I started.

"Shut up. I'm done with the both of you. It's over. Get out of the house when you get back Jayden. You are dead to me." His glare was filled with so much spite. "You too." He said before leaving out of the building.

"I'm sorry." Harry said.

I was gasping for air. My heart was beginning to shatter. "I need air." I said as I got up and left the building.

I saw Louis walking off in the distance. He turned and saw me and quickened his pace. I managed to get him to hate me.

"You want us to talk to him?" A voice I recognized as Lexi asked.

"I don't know how much help it'll be sure." I said. She nodded and took off accompanied by Harmony.

I assume Deshawn and Claire were doing the same thing to Harry. I turned and walked in the opposite direction. I needed to think on my next move. The only way I could do that was by walking alone. The night air always helped me come up with an answer.

I wasn't sure what I was gonna talk about. Harry or Louis and which one to chase. This was the hardest choice in my life. But I wasn't even sure Louis wanted me anymore. I wasn't even welcomed in the house.

I let my feet kidnap me. I just kept walking without a real destination.

Noises started to fill my ears causing me to look around. Craps I was completely and utterly lost. I stared around not realizing anything. I tried to think about where I walked from. Nothing was coming to me.

"Are you lost?" A deep voice asked.

I turned around to see a group of guys looking at me. They all towered over me and looked super scary.

"Um, I think I can find my way." I said turning around to walk further in the direction I was heading.

I tried to circle around the block without much success. I heard the footsteps walking behind me. I turned around and saw the group of guys.

"So you don't remember me?" The guy that spoke last time asked.

"No, I don't." I said in all honesty.

"Hmm a couple of weeks ago your friend jumped me in the pub." He answered.

I didn't think it was possible for my heart to sink any further but it did. I was terrified of this situation. This guy actually had a reason to hate me. I was alone with no help at all. There was a group of seven of them.

"Hey I'm sorry about that." I said apologizing. "Can we let the past be the past?"

Why did I even open my mouth? He pushed me down to the ground and looked at me. Terror spread across my face. There was hunger and lust in them.

"Hey we don't got time for you to get one off." One of the guys said saving me.

"Fine." He told them.

He turned to walk away then stopped. He turned around, his foot came crashing against my face. I fell to the ground, blood starting to fill up in my mouth. One of the guy's gasped but didn't help.

I reached out to the watching members as the guys foot dug its way into my stomach. I doubled over in pain not able to breath before I got kicked in the stomach again.

I fell to the ground coughing up blood. His foot slammed against my face, making it slam against the concrete. Tears filed my eyes as the pain seared throughout my body. I could feel the blood escape from my head.

"Piece of shit." The gut said before spitting on me.

"Dude lets go." One of the guys said. They turned and ran away leaving me there.

I sat on the ground bleeding out for what felt like hours but I knew were only minutes. I heard feet in the distance.

"Help me." I croaked.

"Oh my gosh!" A woman yelled. "Someone call 9-1-1!" She screamed to one of her companions.

She ran over to me and tried to help me, freaking out at the puddle of blood around my head.

"Poor baby, please don't die." She said frantically. "Do you have anybody to call." She asked. I nodded and looked down at my pocket. She reached in and pulled out my phone and called my contacts. It was only nine numbers in there. Ten of you included mines. Hopefully she'll call them all. My consciousness finally slipped away.

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