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Love at First Sight

His amber eyes and calloused hands,

At first glance I was transfixed

I love how he stands like a man,

A mix of handsomeness and defiance,

How would this boys hands feel in my own,

With those eyes right up close,

With the soft plush lips right up against mine.

What would he do if he knew,

The fact that someone unwanted, wanted him?

He catches me looking today,

And then again tomorrow

And the next

Until I finally give up knowing I had had enough

And muster up all the courage I have,

and walk up to him.

I grab the flaps of his tux and pull,

And as the shadowhunters all around us gasp,

I put my lips right up against his.

And at that moment I knew it was to soon,

For he pulled away...

But just as fast, he leaned back into me,

And kissed me right back.

His lips were softer than the looks

And tasted of coffee and cocoa

His eyes sparkled the closer I was,

A mysterious always changing amber

And when we finally broke apart

He whispered three words into my ear,

"I love you",

And just like that, vanished into the cold night

"I love you too, Magnus", I whisper

Knowing all too well, that wherever he was,

He had heard me. 

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