31. Neko Love

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       "Soraru-san, look, I have pointy teeth!!" Soraru let out an agitated sigh before turning to the cat-boy. "What, Mafu?" He asked, irritated. Mafu opened his mouth to show two pointed teeth excitedly. "Mhm," Soraru just hummed before returning to his work.
         Mafu pouted. "Hey, Soraru-san, pay more attention to me!!" "Really?" Soraru asked distratedly. "Yeah!!" "Hmm." "Soraru-san!" "Good for you." "SORARU-SAN?!!!" Mafu screamed in his ear, making the raven-haired male flinched and turn on him. "What?!" Tears suddenly welled up in his cat's eyes. "E-eh?" "You hate me!!!"
          "I don't!" "You do!" Mafu's ears flattened against his head and he whimpered. Soraru stood up and carried the albino up, earning a little yelp from him. "Let go!!" He yelped but Soraru just smirked. "You wanted attention, right? I'll give you attention." He leaned down and licked his ears, his fingers sliding against Mafu's tail.
         Mafu purred, dragging dull nails down his owner's back. "You like it?" Soraru asked, kissing his lips before nipping at his lips, wanting the albino's lips to part. Mafu complied, and moaned into his mouth as Soraru kept playing with his tail.
       "Aren't you a naughty cat?" "I'm..ngh, not..!" "Oh, but you are." The raven-haired male said, his hands roaming his cat's body freely. "Look, you're already hard," Soraru palmed Mafu's erection, making the make moan in pleasure. "Nya...hah..hah..." Mafu purred and tried to squirm out of his owner's hold. 
        "Not trying to get away, Are you?" He kissed Mafu's lips and pulled him down again. "Since your tail is just so sensitive, so is your ears.." "-Don't tease me!" "Don't cut off my words, Mafu." Soraru said in a steady voice as he nipped on Mafu's perked-up ears. "Aah! Nngh...stoooop!!" He sink his teeth down on Soraru's shoulders, earning a soft groan in return. "Since you did that...I'll make sure you have a punishment." Soraru growled out.
           He pinned the cat down and inserted a finger into his entrance. "Ahn! P-please..." "Please what?" "E-enter..." "Enter?" He inserted yet another finger into his ass. "Nng... I want you!" Mafu moaned out. With a small smile, Soraru removed his fingers and thrusted into Mafu.
         "A-ah...nyah..." Mafu cried out and moaned. They shared a short but still passionate kiss, Mafu moaning into Soraru's lips. "I....l-love you..." Mafu moaned, and Soraru just responded with a quick thrust. "I know," he grunted, as they realised at the same time.


        After cleaning up, Soraru ruffled Mafu's hair, his fingers caressing the albino's hear then his ears. "Mnn.." Mafu just purred, and cuddled deeper into Soraru. "You like it, Mafu?" "My hips hurt." His ears flattened and he frowned. Soraru just chuckled. "Next time don't annoy me. I'll make your hips more painful."
        "But I want your attention." Mafu pouted. "Hmm.." Soraru just hummed before glancing at the clock. His eyes widened as the realization of the time settled in.

"Damnit, I'm overdue for my songs' deadline!"

A/N : Okay......it's also really short. I skipped school today coz I'm tired /.\ Anyway this is a smut about a cat and it's owner? Soraru is the owner, and Mafu is the cat.? Eh? Hope you enjoyed this~


° + * Soramafu Oneshots * + ° (PART 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now