First Year.

969 39 2

I awoke to pain.

This Happened once a month,
Harlem and im Guessing, Johanna,
are having sex , again .

I'm happy he only does this once a month, it's like an unpredictable period. It comes once a month, randomly in the month.

I wish I could say I have become 'accustomed' to it but that would flat out be a lie.

I have not gotten used to this, who could? Your mate is cheating on you? I have no idea how Luna Claire put up with this pain, she was stronge in her own way, and her mate didn't even see it.

I'm drenched in sweat, lower stomach pains are here, and my vagina and heart are throbbing in an unbearable pain.

And at that precise time, my little wolf decided it was time to cry, and get mommy's attention.

'La-langston go get pup, we can do it, pup needs us' my wolf whispers out

I try to stand using my bedside table as support, but the pain intensifies, I hate how the bond, basically tell you how your mate has either sped up his or her pace or how he is almost done.

Its cruel.

Langston cries grow louder, and I know that I have to get to him, weather I'm in pain or not, he comes first, Always.

Taking a deep breath I stand back up on shaky legs, with the help of my wolf, I stumble across the hall and into my little Joys room.

Once I reach the crib, I stop, put my weight on it, and pull my blue eyed, blondish-brownish hair , little buddle out of his crib, and into my arms.

He stops crying and looks up at me, with a tilted head, confusion running through his eyes.

I dont understand what this little smart wolf is confused about until I see a wet drop of something falls onto his face, and I know then, that I'm crying.

I know it may seems stupid, but I would never want my children to see me cry, even if they probably won't remember it.

I hurriedly wipe my tears, and go to get his already fixed bottle, from by his change table.

Once I'm feeding him, and he's halfway done, I know he's tired but he's fighting his sleep.

I dont know why he does this but every night its the same thing, and he won't got until I sing to him while burping him, he's so smart.

Setting his, more than halfway done bottle down, I place him on my shoulder and burp him and start to hum this Beyoncé song I heard while omw from the with him when he was just, 6 days old.

Once he's burped, I place him in the crook of my elbow, and start to sing.

Song up top .

Sometimes, these walls seem to cave in on me.

But when I look in your eyes, I feel alive.

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