Third Year.

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"Happy birthday To you !

Happy birthday dear Mommy , happy birthday to you !"

I don't even need to open my eyes to know that my little wolf was the one waking me up .

"Mom , Mom , Mom , Mommy , mommy , mama , mama , Rylinn , Rylinn , Rylinn , waaaake uppp !"

I thought I told Brandon to stop letting him watch family guy with him , he still needs to be watching Sesame Street .

"We made you breaaakfast , if you're not up you not get aaany ."

I shoot up from my laying position , I take a whiff to try and smell the good morning birthday breakfast , but all I smell is a burning plastic like smell .

"Lan ? Who are you cooking with ?"
I ask hoping that its not who I think it is...

"Uncle bran-" Langston couldn't even finish he sentence , I was up and already running to the burning kitchen

"What the heck ! Brandon ! I told you to stop cooking ! You are a safety hazard when you do !" I yell while grab the fire extinguisher .

Yep , we have one . all because once brandon tried to cook or more like warm up a burger once , he put it on some tin foil , instead of a plate .

And the microwave blew up , I had to Ban him from the microwave .

"B-but I was trying to cook you some biscuits , and thats the pan Langston gave to me , he said he saw you putting that in there all the time ."

"Yeah I put it in there , if we are going to eat it later , with the stove off !"

"Ooh , I knew I should have used the glass dish instead ."

'Idiot' rose huffs

Got that right !

I sigh "let's just go out for breakfast , while the house airs our , yeah ?" I said while open the kitchen window and coughing

"Brandon ! Hurry outside . and bring my son , stupid ."

"Hey ! Im just no good at cooking !" He grumbles while walking out with Lan


We decided on IHOP , we picked lia and her neice Harper up on the way , only because I think that she is Lans mate .

They show all the signs , Lan is a whole different little guy when she's around .

Shy , protective , possessive , nurturing , even more possessive , helpful , and even sometimes loving.

I watch as Langston pulls a chair out , but then leaves and comes back with a booster seat , Then helps Harper into the chair with the booster .

See what I mean . I look up and see Ofelia looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk .

'Pup has no mate' rose huffs 'we're all pup needs .'

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