Second Year.

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Terrible Two's

Why? Did babies feel the need to go through them ?

"Langston, No! Let go of that Table Cloth!"


'Too Late' my wolf snickers

Ever since he's learned to walk properly, it has absolutely been hell.

He touches everything, that's in his path, eats everything he see's, and tries to put his little fingers into anything.

Terrible Two's why did he have to go threw it ?

"I told you, you need to start whooping him, at least a pop on the hand Ry" Brandon Says As he enters the Kitchen, with my neighbor Ofelia behind him.

"I've told her too, told her twice." Lia says

"Guys he doesn't need a spanking, he needs a stern talking to." I replied with the roll of my eyes

"Well, how come I got 4 hard hits on the hand that one time I 'accidentally' broke that glass cup and not just a stern talking to?"

Here we go...

"Because One you were trying to throw water at Lia when the cup flew out your hand, and two you broke one of my favorite glass cups, now I only have 3 favorite glass cups left."
I say as I walk over to Lan and take him away from lia's plate of spaghetti he knocked onto the floor.

"No, he's just your son that's why" he says pouting

I walked over to him and pinched his puffed out Cheek's

"Dont be jealous, fat cheeks" he slapped my hands away still pouting.

"I'm not I- LAN NO!"

I spun around quickly only to see Brans phone front screen shattered.

I gasped and ran over to him "No, No that's bad ! You know better than that Langston !" I popped his hand twice, even though it broke my heart to see him cry, because of me.

"My baby ! Oh ! My poor Baby ! What did you do to deserve this kind of unthinkable pain ! , Siri Speak To me ! Say something, ANYTHING !" Brandon over reacts

See this is why you dont buy IPhones, their screens crack to bad, and with a baby like Lan, that is not something I need.

"Told you to get a phone like mime, its shatter and water proof" I state proudly, I had convinced lia to get a white one like mine, but he simply refused.

"Whatever, Whatever you are so paying for this !" He replied while scowling at his now useless phone.

Yeah right I'm doing that, my two waitressing Jobs would not be able to pay for that and keep food for all four of us on the table.

They basically decided to live here even though they have houses.

"Yeah, okay are we going to the park or not ? My whittle baby needs to let off some steam, you see he's restless to get out."

'So am I when we get back, take me out for a run.' Rose grunts out


"Leeets Gooo ! My baby doesn't want to wait all day ! Its already 3:00 him go to sleep at 7:00, him needs play time" I practically yelled

Lia flinched back due to her sensitive hearing, she half human, half wolf she has all the abilities as me except shifting.

Once she found out I was a wolf, she told me she was one to, I was reluctant to believe her and told her to prove it.

Which she did she told me how my  scent was of flowers and a rainforest, when I told her that it could just be my washing powder, she used her inhuman speed and ran away then told me to speak in a whisper and she'll still be able to her me.

Even though I believed her when she flew across the forest floor like she was the flash.

'Sorry' I mouthed to her she just nodded, sometimes I forget she a wolf, since she can't shift.

But she keeps Lan for me when I need to go out for a shift no matter how bad he is...



"Mama, mama" Lan interrupts my conversation with Brandon and lia once again to hand me a flower from the ground.

"Preeeetty ! Thank you !" The same words I have repeated 5 different times now.

"Huum mama" I huff as Lan hands me yet another, he played for about one hour then came over to me, and started handing me flowers.

"TT lia wants one, and so does uncle Bran, give them some, mommy has enough, see" I show my hand full of flowers

He looks at them then back at me, shakes his head then 'hum' at me again and shove the flower into my hand. Again.

Lia and Brandon laugh at my attempt to get my Stubborn Son to 'hum' at someone else.

"Okaaay" I pick Lan up with a little toss into the air while he squeals "let's head home little wolf"

Lan doesn't know about werewolves just yet, but wolfs are his favorite animal coincidentally.




After we came back, I needed a serious run.

So lia is giving Lan a bath and then to bed, while I 'run errands'

Get it "Run errands" ahaha- aha- ha.
No ? 😑 Okay.

I tie my clothes to my leg, and let the sweet bliss of the change, take over. Then flash into the forest.

It feels so good to let her out, she only gets to be free about once a weeks sometimes not even that.

My Pup, will always come first, before anything, or anyone. that's my little wolf.

When I run, I give Rose full control.
Its the least I can do, since I can barley let her out half the time.

As I sit in the back of my mind, I see everything Rose see's, or do, and I see Rose had her eyes on the huge tree in the middle of the Forest.

And I know what she is going to try and do, running at full speed, she starts to leap, as soon as she's in the air.

That pain that I could never forget, starts burning my core and lower abdomen.

She falls onto the fallon tree, with a pain full cry while I hear a sickening crack noise, adding onto the pain that were going though, I just knew we broke something.

She rolls off the tree, with a heart retching howl, the pain becomes to much.

And I take back control, to try and take some of her pain away.

When a mate cheats, the wolf in you takes it way worse than you ever will.

Just hearing her, howls, whimpers, and crys. Makes this predicament all whole lot worse.

I know, that our run is over I stand painfully onto my feet, I take painfully slow steps all the way around the tree.

Then at a very slow rate, I make my way home with a low broken heart... and a broken rib... 💔

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