Chapter 2

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10 years later

She looked at the grey walls, then to the little waste pan that rested in the corner and finally iron grey bars that held her captive. She sighed deeply as she adjusted herself on the stiff bed.

Clank! Clank!

"Git up li'l girlie iz toime ta go" the clank that woke her up was just a ceramic cup, the corporal used to hit the bars although it was like the Liberty Bell signifying freedom.

She sat up taking wobbly steps towards the outside as he unlocked the cell. She was hit with golden rays she shielded her face not used to the light, the warmth.

"Well getta a move on neow" the Corporal drawled. Sofia ran as her legs could carry her afraid it was some cruel joke and the
Corporal would change his mind call her back.

She dreaded prison. It's coldness, it's hardness and its daily visits of The Man who held her up at gun point before she was 'saved' by the Corporal.

He never missed a chance to threaten her life. That gave Sofia wings as she dashed through the thick forest branches.

The branches whacked her in the face, spiny needles grasped her dress and stung her skin but that didn't stop her, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Augustus in all his six foot stature walked into the prison his black (yes black) eyes roamed coldly.

Revenge was eating him away inside, his bones shook in anger,his jaw clenched his hands now white from how tightly he clasped them.

He was fuming as he stared at the empty cell. He cursed under his breath the type you shouldn't utter in the presence of God.

He trudged to the Corporal's little cubicle.

"Where the hell is she!" He seethed

"Calm ya rockers chap!" Corporal commanded. Augustus breathed through his nostrils trying to calm himself but there was a furnace inside.

"Released har jist some toime ago sunny" Augustus slammed his fist against the wall leaving a dent.

"You okay dere boy I done need no rough-housing up in hishere place neow go home neow git" Augustus begrudgingly complied as he sauntered off.


Sofia stood outside the little house wondering what to do. It was not a good thing to invite herself in, so she knocked on the door.

No answer, she did it again. Still no answer. She cracked the door and stepped inside it smelt of sandalwood, lavender and mud.

She stood aghast. There was a woman lying on the floor letting out lowly groans and whimpers.

Sofia set to work in a flash she found a pail and poured water into it and set it on the stove to boil.

She helped the lady into a chair as she groaned. Sofia got two pails of hot water and a cloth.

She stuck the old woman's feet in one pail she shrieked at the contact but soon relaxed as she got used to the heat. Sofia used the other pail of water and cloth to wipe her brow.

"Thank ya Eloise" the woman sighed Sofia furrowed her eyebrows, genuinely confused. She let the lady rest and left the questions for later.


"Have a cup dearie" the woman offered who was now on her feet.

"Thank you ma'am" Sofia sighed happily someone was finally being kind.

"I'm glad that your quite fine now" Sofia began

"Earlier when I set my hand to the pot because you done not so right in the noggin, ya did mention an Eloise who's she...if you don't mind ma asking" she said uncertainly

The woman, who Sofia came to know as Meredith sighed.

"She...she was ma daughter...she'd gone by train last week off to a dear ol' lad's house to live.

They were engaged this Spring and she was going to move in with him after they marry I just 'eard she...dang nab it,

I'm crying all these tears ohhh I'm sorry but anyway the train turn clean off the track and the telegram says she's dead."

Sofia nearly cried she put her thin hand on Meredith's offering her the comfort she never got when her parents died.

"Gracious, why your as thin as stick or that cow ma husband, Harry had that was so skinny couldn't give no milk we had to put it out in the field an' shoot it between them eyes" Sofia laughed but fell silent. Meredith noticed.

"Tell me what's wrong honey." Sofia told her in full.

"Well ya can stay here sugar, I needs me some company." Sofia smiled at her, she smiled at Sofia, things were finally looking up.

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