Chapter 3

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Sofia was staring off at the sunset that ignited the prairie giving it a certain ambience. The sunset is beautiful but nothing beats moonlight.

There's something romantic about it that makes you want to hold the hand of that someone special in a garden or over the very prairie whispering sweet words under the stars.

She dreamt all of this while in prison and every night the dashing,debonair lad she would picture would always morph into The Man.

He would hold her, touch her. Sofia snapped briskly out of her thoughts.

"Oh what am I thinking that man should burn in hell for all the torment but then maybe he's really sweet and kind and...and blinded.

He doesn't know the truth no one  has witnessed or knew about the horrible way his family treated her.

He'll always see her as heartless and wicked but still he will be the one she dreams of.

All those novels Sofia read filling her head with nonsense and falsehoods no prince,dashing lad on horseback or knight in shining armour is coming for her.

'But oh' was still her wistful thought.

It had been a week since Sofia stayed with Meredith and never has she felt so loved and she paid her debt by earning her keep.

She fed the animals,she woke early mornings to collect eggs,she let the sheep out pasture and led them home safe.

And she certainly wasn't short of housework basically it was the layout wash,cook and clean. But never had she been happier.

But her share of nightmares and dreams of The Man lingered and she couldn't understand it. And as Western folk are accustomed to she decided to entice herself and visit the local watering-hole to get things off her mind.

She wished Meredith well and took off in the night.


Sofia,being naïve and without real world experience walked into the bar oblivious to all the eyes of the men-peering at her, the only woman present.

Because proper young ladies didn't dilly dally in such hogwash(am I laying it on too thick) She sat on the barstool and ordered a drink, Brandy well now the bartender had her on her fourth one...

"I dose think you's had enough Missy why don't ya run on home neow" Sofia very used to instruction nodded but of course...

"Be quiet dere Thomas let the little lady have a few more" a man slurred

"Leave har alone Jonas she done had enough!" Thomas said firmly. Suddenly Sofia slammed her fist on the table

"Dang nab it I'm done darn tired of everybody telling me what to do! I'm paying and I want more!" She said easing off her chair to continue her protests

"More!more mo-woah"

"Careful now said a smooth voice. Sofia turned to come face to face with a handsome lad, very very good-looking, tall and lean and fit for a beau, the kind she thought only existed in romance novels.

He had curly brown hair, concerned brown eyes that stared down at her drinking her in, a crooked nose, soft jaw line and a firm mouth. Sofia felt her chest flutter.

"Am okay" she managed her thick southern belle accent shining through that she tried to keep at bay.

He grinned at her, she grinned back at him. He grabbed her waist popping her on a barstool and also took a chair for himself setting it backwards so that his sinewy arms rested on its frame.

"Not a lot o' dem girlies come 'roun dese parts ya know, what brings ya here?"

"I just felt like drinking sir, thank ya kindly" she spat getting irritated at his concern, much like Thomas.

She was very suspicious of men though she fawns over them in the novels but the men in town were quite different.

Any who the stranger didn't seem to mind her abrasiveness and held his hand out for a shake, she took his hand as he introduced himself.

"Well ma'am ma name's Lysander from down Mississippi trying to make et here in his-here Montana how's about you?" Sofia considered whether to give her name, however something compelled her to be cautious

"Ma name's Sam,Samantha"
"Alright I like it" he beamed at her she did the action unsurely in return.

"Will da lady like a dance?" Lysander asked shyly tipping his cowboy hat to hide his face.

"I've neva danced before Mister "
His head shot up and he smiled so wide as if she couldn't have said a better thing.

"I'll teach ya Miss" Sofia tipsily got off the stool and clasped her small frail hand in Lysander's coarse,big one.

He held her waist and she held his shoulder after he set it,she had her hand on his chest and she blushed when she learned she'd misplaced it and as they intertwined their fingers.

Sofia's heart moved to the beat of the music slow and soft and thumping.

"This 'ere is what we call slow dancing"

"I see" and they danced for, awhile Lysander finding himself a bit too comfortable with a 'little critter' he just met decided to peel out of the intimate dance of love and kick it up a tempo.

"Am gonna teach ya how to square dance" Lysander chirped

"Ya don't say" she chided and they laughed as the beat played they bounced off into it. It felt like hours before they flopped down onto the stools.

"Whew!" They breathed simultaneously

"You dose learn quick" Lysander stated. Sofia spotted the old clock and saw she was very late and groaned.

"I best be going now I dang darn stay too long"Lysander frowned but then beamed shyly

"Can I walk the lady home?" There were grunts,whistles one man cried,

"Suuuueeeeyyy!" And everyone laughed,wiled up at the scene Lysander was in like. Sofia felt the heat rise in her face.

"Done come on then" she chirped and she tugged Lysander out who grabbed his hat and followed after her.


"You always done walk through dem parts?"

"That I do"

She stated. Lysander frowned he didn't like the thought of the pretty maiden walking through a dark forest unaccompanied.

They finally reached the little house. Sofia stopped and so did Lysander.

"Sam(as he preferred to call her) will I eva...erm see ya gulps again...soon?" He said shakily clutching the ends of his Stetson hat in his hands letting his brown curls fall loose.

Sofia froze but answered still very coyly

"Well I-I don't really go out much but...but I'd like ta see ya too Lysander" Lysander lifted his brown eyes towards her shyly and smiled,they glinted like stars at her reply.

Sofia kicked at a pebble

"Aww shucks dang nab it ya done don't make me leave" she blushed. Lysander could fly. If he were alone he'd kick heels up and yipee his way down the track. But instead he said.

"Well goodnight dere Sam" and he was off whistling a tune. Sofia sighed as she got inside and that night she didn't dream of The Man but her night in shining armour was none other than Lysander.

Hey guys kiss kiss can you believe I updated. Guys (to all those who will read this ) I have to say I love the feedback for this story a lot less silent readers and a lot more votes that put a smile on my face. I just wanted give an update for all stories before heading back to school.
Love ya'll-2cutenhot 💜

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