Chapter 4

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Sofia sat contentedly on the front porch because the nights have been peaceful,carefree she felt safe and...and it won't last she thought.

Sofia lifted her eyes to the prairie and she was shocked at the sight of Lysander but her heart leapt in her chest.

She examined the 6 feet of pure male making his way toward her,his height made him look so intimidating but his smile made him look endearing.

They had just known each other for the span of two weeks but she felt the next step of their lives together would last years.

He lifted his eyes to the porch his eyebrows etched together in a frown of worry but as soon as Lysander spotted Sofia who had changed tremendously from the skinny little damsel to a plump,ruddy beauty he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Not until he felt a pinch did he fall out of his reverie.

The two were so lost in each other's eyes they had become unaware of the man opposite.

He had a tall stature but he slouched, he wore a frown, it projected his firm jawline and added something more daunting to his cold,black eyes that had no hint of mirth.

His hat was way over his forehead but a few raven strands escaped his Stenson. The stubble around his jaw gave him a manly air adding to his stature.

He turned his attention to the curly,blond-haired maiden sitting in a rocking chair and finally saw why his friend's attention had strayed from him.

Augustus gave a subtle nod of approval as he made his way to the porch his eyes never leaving hers. Sofia was gripped with fear,she prayed he didn't recognize her.

He didn't. It was Lysander who recognized his friend was staring and scowled at Augustus' very unveiled actions.

He strode towards the pretty girl,blocking Augustus and sat grumpily beside her on the right and also the only available chair.

Augustus smirked as he leaned against the post amused at his friend's possessiveness.

He decided to toy with the fair girl a bit to test Lysander's strengths. His eyes skimmed over to Sofia's who looked like the cat got her tongue,and her eyes were as wide as saucers Augustus' mother used to serve the home style meals on...used to.

Augustus could feel the twinge of amusement die out like a candle in the night. He was a likened to a wounded animal,howling and screaming(inside) who gave the world a hateful look.

He lifted off the post and strode towards her. Sofia looked intently at The Man as he strode towards her forgetting all her duties as a hostess to two travelled men.

She prayed to the Almighty as the one who sought to take her life stared back at her. She tried to keep calm,Lysander was here he would protect her.

Or maybe he would believe she was a ruthless murderer who killed Augustus' family in cold-blood. She shivered as his eyes continued to roam her.

He stooped down next to her in that graceful manner long legs allow for,Sofia felt her insides churn in nervousness.

"Hiya there" he said gruffly lacking the certain merriment usually present in a country man's tone.

"Hi" she said shyly

"Your a quiet little thing ain't ya?" Not remembering the Sofia who would scream her heart out at him when he visited her in prison because she knew she was safe in the cells.

"Ma name is Augustus how about you?"he asked politely. So that was his name, she now knew a lot if not fully about who hunted her.

"M-ma name is S-Samantha"Sofia had come to terms with the lie it would protect her for now.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" Augustus said slyly eyeing a furious Lysander who had his fists clenched and his whole body tense with anger.

He gave Augustus a hateful glance who looked back to Sofia to find her, he blushing almost

"What's a fine beauty like you's doing 'roun them parts" steam eased out of Lysander's ears and he was red in the face.

"Certainly a cute thing like you don't belong in dem rough places" Sofia was about to answer his compliment-filled questions but Lysander bounced off his chair and bellowed.

"Lay off her Augustus she's mine!" he seethed a flash of crazy present on his eyes. He realized what he had just blurted and his face heated up like bread in the oven.

"W-what?" Sofia stammered. Augustus rose from his position and dusted off his trousers.

He tipped his hat to Sofia and his spears on his boots clanked as he strode away while giving a small wave over his shoulder and taking one of the mares he and Lysander had brought along. He rode away.

His work here was done. Sofia stood up and blinked at Lysander.

"W-what?" She stammered once more Lysander blushed harder.
He let out a breath and began.

"Ya heard m-me Sam I-I done darn like ya...a whole bunch act'lly"

Sofia was stupefied. The things she got herself into. She liked Lysander a whole lot too but she had to clear up some things.

She gestured for Lysander to sit,who was a little cross that she didn't reply. Sofia sighed.

"I-I like you a lot Lysander" his face lit up.

"But-but I don't think you like me so much if you knew I dang darn lied to you."

"Ma name ain't no Samantha I'm Sofia when I met ya I did like looking atchya but-" she sighed Lysander impulsively used his burly palms to hold Sofia's hot cheeks which caused Sofia's little heart to palpitate.

"Ya shouldn't like a liar like me Lysander!" She shouted frustrated at how he was taking it and not blowing up in her face.

"But I do" he said limply,hurt by her harsh words and dropped his hands, resting them on his knees. Sofia felt sorry for being so snappish.

"I didn't want ya or none o dem village peoples to know who I am in case The Man came to town. I was in prison sometime back for killing his family that done did me awful, abused me. The wors' o dem was Alec who liked to touch me."

Lysander tightened his grip on her little hand. I will protect you forever Sofia he pledged faithfully in his heart.

"I got scared,I just did it,I was afraid of what he might do to me and then...then The Man walked in pointing a gun at me. I made it past him but I ran straight into the corporal.

You can guess what happened next. But he finally found me so ya have to leave me neow. 'Cause I was the one who killed Augustus' family." She bolted out of the chair and ran as fast as she could before Lysander could have processed the words. Then it sunk in.

"I'll kill you!" he hollered but she was already to far to hear the words of the one she loves.

Well that escalated give me some sugar guys by clicking that star n giving your feedback it makes me smile.

Love y'all-2cutenhot 💜

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