Chapter 7

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Augustus eyes slowly opened to gaze at the world around him. He felt heat on his body and his terse eyes flicked down to a figure and they immediately softened.

He touched the auburn head placing a few locks behind her ear. God! She was beautiful he thought. Augustus regarded her long legs that were wrapped gracefully in his. He pulled his arms tighter around her. Their position made him feel stable and he shut his eyes again.

It was not until noon that Augustus opened his only to find his source of warmth gone. He furrowed his eyebrows as he rose. His powerful muscles taut.

He searched the house only to come up with nothing. He felt anger building up inside. He spotted the neat little note on the couch where they slept

'I'll be back soon' the note read

"No need I'm coming for you" and he was out the door.


Eloise stood on the porch steps breathing slowly.

"Mother will welcome me" she sighed and gave the door three precise raps.

The door creaked
"Sofia where were-" her mother stared at the girl dumbstruck

"Mom" Eloise cried tears brimming her eyes one of her few moments of discomposure.

She hugged her mother tightly. The old woman seemed to have an internal struggle before her arms slipped around her daughter's back.

"It is you , your safe, my darling Eloise"

"Ellie your okay, your all fine thank the Lord for ya"

Her daughter stepped back her eyes glittering with fresh tears

"I heard about that train the one that went clean off the tracks. It wasn't mine obviously. Our train captain went down the wrong track on the turn and we went off course." Eloise sighed,"But I had some time to think I don't want to marry Paddy mama"


"Mama he hurt me a little after the engagement, he didn't want to wait-"

"Why didn't you say something darling, I got on thinking he was a good man, that wouldn't hurt ma baby!"

Thick silence flooded in the air.

"Well dear I wanna tell you about the nice girl that's been taking care of me"


"Sofia lovely girl, escaped from a hard life but she's a sweetheart but I haven't seen her since yesterday I think she went missing."

"If she doesn't come back soon I'll help you look for her I want to meet the girl that's been helping ma mama".


Sofia sobbed as she wondered deeper into the woods, silently praying to find her way back.

But her legs ached and her spirits were dull so she plopped down on a log.

She wanted to get home to Meredith but how could she when her love and killer might be waiting for her.


Augustus went straight to the bar but there was no sign of her. He was fuming. She came and left him like a thief in the night.

He couldn't fathom why he needed to find her he just needed to. She was a bewitching woman she had him under her spell.

But Augustus didn't just want her body he wanted her everything. Augustus had to travel all the way to the next town to get to the bar where he met Eloise so he decided to take the shortcut through the woods.

Augustus strode up to the powerful black beast he rode. The stallion was enormous and dangerous. The mere hoofs could knock an unlucky victim out of consciousness.

Especially if he had one of his fits, but Augustus could control him. He understood its temper, it was sudden and unpredictable much like his.

He hauled onto the horse digging his spurs into its sides. And they rode into the woods. He soon found himself in the thickness of the woods, where Sofia was.

He heard cries of distress and foolishly hoped it was Eloise that had lost her way and silently wished that it will make her never leave him again.

He followed the faint cry but his heart sunk as he saw it was just Sofia.

He dismounted from his stallion and took cautious steps toward as if she were a wild animal.

She looked up at him with those cobalt blue eyes, a tear escaped streaming down her face. She was a pitiful sight.

Before he could take another step towards her she ran off. Augustus was puzzled but ran after her anyway.

He caught up to her soon enough and found she had stupidly run into a boulder in her haste. Her head bashed.

He had to work fast or his friend's love might bleed to death.

He put her on the horse who grunted at the unfamiliar feel of the body. Augustus patted his head.

"Get used to her pal we have a long way home." And they continued the journey to there little town.

Heyyyyy! Long time I haven't updated. *sighs* I don't really have an excuse but hey two chapters its record breaking for me.
Love y'all-2cutenhot💜

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