Owe You

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Me and Norman sat on the mattress for what seemed like forever! I couldn't bring myself to talk to him and I don't think he wanted to talk to me either.

I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, still gazing at the wall. That was until I noticed Norman shuffling and moving out of the corner of my eye.

I looked over and noticed he had his shoe off and then everything came rushing back to me as I realized what had happened...

I crawled onto my knees in panic. "Oh my god! Are ye ok?" I pulled off Norman's sock to reveal a massive purple/blue foot. It was swollen and looked really sore but none of this seemed to faze him as he chuckles at me.

"Caroline, I'm fine" he insisted, trying to pull his sock back on but he winced in pain.

"No! Ye not fine. I think ye've broken a bone or somethan'" I looked closely at it, slapping Norman's hand away everything he went to poke it.

"Honestly, it's fine" Norman kept repeating but I ignored his as I search to something to wrap it with. "Ah!" I stood up and ripped the flimsy blanket laying on the mattress. I then knelt in front Norman and started to fix (well try to fix) his foot until we could get out of this hell hole.

"So how did ye not feel this before?" I tried to make conversation as I worked "urm... I don't know. Adrenaline?" I nodded. It was understandable. That does happen when people are too scared or too pumped up. I once knew someone that never realized they got shot until half an hour later... while they were walking!

Anyway, I looked at the bottom of Norman's foot which revealed a dozen more splitters. It was horrible! I stared up at Norman and waited until he was distracted and then I pull one out. (Bearing in mind we have no pliers so. Had to use my finger nails).

"Son of a...!" I put my hand over his mouth before he could scream the rest. Once he was calm I released my hand and started to pull out the rest of the splitters.

Every time it got unbearable Norman would squeeze my hand or upper arm so I would stop, look him in the eyes and tell him it's ok. That usually calms him for a bit.

I was finally done as the sun out of the little window started to fade.

Norman let out a huge sigh of relieve and we both sat with our back against the wall again. I chuckled at him and then let out a sigh of my own.

"Thank you" "huh?" I looked up at Norman's stunning eyes. "Thank you" he repeated "I owe you one" I chuckled again "Norman Reedus, ye owe me nothing".

We both smiled at each other but then Norman started to lean in. My breath hitched in my throat as he crashed his lips with mine. I melted and smiled again.

My hands found their way to his hair, my fingers entangling in it as he ran his fingers down my spine gently and delicately, making me shiver.

When we pulled away he rested his head on mine. "I owed you that"

I smirked and snuggled into his arm, storing at the wall again as I started to drift off into a warm sleep.

I know I am lacking a bit with these updates but bare with me. I know what I'm doing (I think 😉)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It will start to get more interesting 😁

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