Morning Tweets

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The next morning I woke up ready and refreshed. Daniella was in the bathroom brushing her teeth as she had only just woken up. As for me however, I have barely been asleep. Yesterday had my mind exploding. I was ready to tell him things about myself that not even dani knew.

There was a suddenly knock at the door. I jumped over the bed to answer it as Daniella was still in the bathroom.

I swung the door open to be met with a pair of ocean blue eyes. "Mornin sweetie" I tried to hide the smile that plastered my face. "Norman" I breathed out but tried to stay cool. "What ye doin here?" Norman leaned against the door frame.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to and get a coffee or..." He trailed off. I looked at him as he stared at his dusty boots. "Well I don't like coffee but I could go for a hot chocolate" Norman looked at me before smiling. "Ok, let's go" he grabbed my wrist. I looked behind me and heard the water running in the bathroom which indicated that Daniella was in the shower. I smirked and closed the door behind me.

"So how long have you been acting for?" "2 years. Nothang major though. A few extra parts" Norman nodded as I spoke. Norman seemed so shy and quiet. Nothing like on all the interviews I've seen.

"I 'aven' always wanted ta act. I got asked ta audition for a commercial. Now I do extra parts for the same person wheneva he needs me" I continued, trying to keep the conversation going.

Norman looked like he was thinking as he bit down on his lip. He then looked up and asked "why all the jobs?" I sighed as I took another sip of my hot chocolate. "Me ma..." Norman looked me in the eyes.

"Is she ok?" I shook my head and breathed out. "She died a few years ago. Along with ma sister. They were in a car crash. Ma sister died on the scene but me ma was in critical condition. In a coma. Me dad left when I was 5 and me sister was 3. I ha' ta get jobs ta pay hospital fees..."

I paused as I felt my eyes pricking with tears. I felt a soft hand on mine. I looked up to be met with Norman's blue eyes again. "It's ok" he assured me. I nodded and continued.

"I finally ha' enough money for the current fees. Paid 'em all. The next day, she died. They text me a' work. A' work! I ha' a meltdown and broke stuff. That's why I have ta stay as a extra. Ta pay of the thangs I broke"

I looked down at our hands to see that I had wrapped my fingers around Norman's hand. "You have been through a lot" I smiled at how sincere he sounded. "Yeah. Dani's been there since the beginnin. It helped".

I looked at the clock on the wall at the coffee shop. "Shouldn' ye be a' comic con?" Norman nodded slowly as he stood up, holding his hand out. I gladly took it and we walked to comic con. Trying to avoid the crazed fans.

"What are you doing today?" Norman asked as we walked through the entrance of comic con. "Probably seein Ms Pearl. The lady from yesterday an' then I promised Dani I would go ta the simulator with her..." I paused as Norman stopped in his tracks. "I finish my meet and greet at 2. Meet me outside the simulator." I nodded, confused and a bit worried. Norman smiled and kissed my check before heading to his next interview and then meet and greet. I made my way to see Ms Pearl.

"Hey Ms Pearl!" I smiled as I approached the elderly women who was sitting in the same chair as yesterday. "Hi Caroline. Who was yesterday?x I smirked as I sat next to her. I then proceeded to tell her what happened last night and this morning.

"Caroline, that is some boy. I wouldn't push yourself away from him. He seems special." I nodded at her. "Oh hi Caroline" I turned to see Bernard walking up to me. "Hey Bernard" "so you thought about my other yet?" I nodded "who's the co star goin' ta be?" "Urm that fellow... Oh what's his name?..." 'He?' "Oh! That's right Norman Reedus".

Comic Con knock Out (Norman Reedus Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now