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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling a soft, hot breeze on my face. I smiled as I noticed I was almost nose to nose with Norman.

I shifted slight and gently rubbed my nose with his. He stirred and opened one eye, smiling at me groggily.

"Hi" he whispered, now opening both eyes "hi, how's ye body?" I whispered back, shifting again so I could see his face properly.

"Fine... I mean I have a bit of muscle here and there and the girls seem to go crazy over it..." I laughed and pushed his shoulder, making him roll on his back. He let out a giggle and rolled back to face me.

"There it is" he laughed. I frowned but smirked "there's wha'?" He smiled at me. "That smile. It brightens up the room!" I blushed a shade of red again and looked away but my eyes soon made their way back to his.

Norman leaned in and kissed my nose. I scrunched it up like a rabbit which made Norman giggle. He leaned in again so this time I lifted my head and crashed my lips to his. I fwlt him gasped again my lips, making me smile.

Our kiss was cut short when the basement door slammed open. We both jumped up to the peep hole and watched two pairs of feet bang down the steps.

It was Stephanie and Dave, I waited for Brandon to follow but the door just slammed shut. "Where's Brandon?" I whispered to Norman who shrugged.

"Hello sweethearts" Stephanie smiled. "Norm, still looking fresh" she winked at him. I went to lash out at her but Norman held me back.

The door swung open and Dave came in. I stood in front of Norman, thinking that he was after him but instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Norman and out of the room.

"Caroline! Stephanie, this has gone too far! Let her go!" I heard Norman yell as the door slammed shut behind me. Stephanie walked towards him, smirking "oh sweety, of course I will". And with that she turned and walked towards me.

She leaned over and whispered in Dave's ear. He gave an evil looking smirk and nodded. I worriedly looked between the two, trying to figure out what they were thinking.

Before I could dwell on anything I was being dragged out of the room with Stephanie hot on our tail. I turned my head and looked longingly at Norman who had a worried expression on his face.

Norman started Ro disappear as we made our way up the stairs and through the door that slammed shut behind us.

Norman's pov...
I watched as Caroline disappeared. My blood was boiling! I kicked and punched the door but all that happened is my knuckles bled and my foot probably bruised.

I sunk to the floor, grabbing my hair.

This shouldn't have happened! This is my fault and now they're doing god knows what to her up there!

I felt like I was sitting there for ages. I was inspecting the cuts on my swollen hand when I heard muffled voices, it did not sound good either. There was a sudden scream that sent me to my feet and heading for the door for a second time.

"Caroline! Caroline!" I banged and shook the door but it obviously did not budge.

I ran my fingers through my matted hair as I pasted the room. I stopped sharp though when I heard a faint whimper, I was too clear to be from upstair so I could only assume....

"Brandon?" I looked out of the hole and around the room and sitting in the darkened corner, rocking back and forth was Brandon.

"Brandon, what are you doing here?" Brandon looked at me with a surprised look on his face. He got to knees then feet and shuffled towards the door. "They're doing bad things" Brandon whispered.  Leaned closer to him.

"Brandon. What are they doing Brandon?" He didn't say anything, he just looked around, avoiding eye contact. "Where are the keys Brandon?" I asked, changing the subject before he ran off.

"Keys?" "Yes, keys for the door!" I said, rattling the door that was separating us. Brandon crowed and then dug into his pockets. "I have these" said brandon, holding up a key chain with about 5 keys on it "but Dave said they were toys and to never put them into any holes.

I rolled my eyes and tried to reach the key hole but my arms weren't long enough. "Brandon, you have to try all of the keys in that key hole" I pointed to the hole below me. "But.." "No!" I shouted, causing his lip to tremor.

"Look, I need your help to get to Caroline, god knows what they're doing to her up there but I need to help her. I can't do that without you" Brandon frowned at my for a moment before nodding timidly. "Caroline is good" he said with a shaky voice.

"Yes she is and you're a hero, like in a comic" Brandon beamed at the sound of that and started to get to work with the keys.

After the fist two didn't fit Brandon huffed and said "3 times the charm!" And luckily it was! The door swung open. I ran from it and ruffled Brandon's hair. Thanks superman!

I ran for the basement door but stopped and turned back towards Brandon who was still fiddling with the keys. "Come on" he looked up at me with confusion. "Every superhero in those comics have a happy end, you deserve one too" Brandon beamed a second time at the thought of him being a hero and ran for the door with me following behind.

Hang in there Caroline! I'm coming!

I appreciate the waiting of your loyal readers! I know I have not been updating but I am writers block bad! Plus I got a new puppy! Cocker spaniel cross Basset hound and he is adorable!!!! Bus a handful!
Anyway, we are coming to end of this story Now 😭 so one maybe two chapters left depending on how creative I get. Fingers crossed for more stories! I have a good one brewing inspired by my puppy so that might be in the works in the future... We'll see but thank you for now and keep reading!!!

P.s. for those who are not Disney fans (BOO!) the title says escape in finding nemo-dory language 😉

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