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"We're here!" I opened my eyes slowly. I felt warmth on my cheek so I looked to my left and noticed that I had my head on Norman's shoulder. I shot up quickly, making Norman chuckle.

I took in our surroundings. We were definitely not in the city anyway more. There were trees everywhere but what stood out was the old wooden cabin standing next to a small lake.

"Where are we?" Norman questioned as he got out of the car. He held out his hand which I gladly took as I stumbled out.

My foot got caught in the seat belt as I nearly face planted the ground. I then felt arms around my waist, I looked up and saw the most beautiful, blue eyes staring back at me.

"Ah hm" Stephanie coughed, catching our attention. "If you've finished..." I quickly backed away from Norman, staring at the ground.

"As I was saying... This is our new home" I arch an eyebrow "home?!" Stephanie laughed "yes tweedle Dee. Home. This is mine and Norman's dream house but since you're here I guess we can keep you as a pet" I frowned as Norman started chocking on air.

"Excuse me Stephanie but I don't plan on staying here with you" Stephanie started laughing again. "Its ok Norman, I'm not alone"

And just like that two gentlemen came out of the bushes "meet Dave and Brandon. They're brother" I followed Stephanie's gaze to the first brother.

Dave was tall, muscular with black hair, sort of a military type haircut. Brandon on the other hand was short than his brother and less muscular but still had some muscles but they weren't as big. He had dusty blonde hair. They really didn't look anything alike. More the opposite of each other.

Shephanie walked up to Dave as he pulled her close and kissed her"So if you have them, why do you need us?" Stephanie smirked at Norman's question. "Well Normy, Dave is... What would you call it? Well he escaped from prison and we have to hid him here as they're after Brandon for information too"

I frowned "tha' don't answer the question" I said, getting really annoyed. "I need Norman's foraging skills and the fact that he's my pudding pie makes it even better" I was still confused about the whole thing but my head hurt too much to bother.

"I'm going inside the cabin. Norman will find us some grub won't you babe?" "Stephanie, I ain't... Its all on TV. I can't..." But she was gone with Dave. His idiot brother was left to watch us. We decided we might as well try to find some food while we're here.

"So how ye know Stephanie?" We went walking through the woods trying to find some grub with Brandon trailing behind us.

"Its a long story. She was a crazed fan that I dated for a while but then enough was enough so I ended it but she's been stalking me ever since until a few months ago and now I know why"

I frowned at the whole situation. "I still don't understand why she needs ye" "neither do I but if we keep our peace maybe they'll let us go" I nodded in agreement as we continued to look for anything edible.

"Hey! Ke-keep moving you t-too" I looked behind us to see Brandon catching up. He had a stutter?! That's not something you hear everyday off a criminal's brother.

We got to a fresh water river and I know one thing, there are fresh water fish in these rivers.

"Fancy catching some fish?" I chuckled as I watched Norman's face. I looked worried. "Not really" I laughed "come on. It'll be fun".

I took off my socks and shoes and rolled my jeans up to my knees "come on ye pansy!" I ran into the river and heard Norman not far behind. Brandon sat on a near by rock, watching us. He didn't look happy, almost like he felt left out.

I was deep in though I never saw Norman creeping up on me and splashing me. "Oh its on buddy!" I ran after him, splashing the water so it drenched him. I looked over at Brandon again and he was smiling as he watched us, I chuckled before a thought popped into my head.

"Hey Brandon! Come an' join us" I waved for him. He looked around before pointing to himself. I laughed and nodded, waving for him. Norman didn't look too impressed but it felt right for him to join us.

Brandon jumped in within seconds, splashing us all. I laughed and looked around. There was fish swimming right past us.

"Righ', who knows how te git fish with ye hands?" Both the guys looked blankly at me. I rolled my eyes. "Its easy. Get ye hand close to the water..." I demonstrated as I continued.

"Then when a fish comes underneath ye strike" in one swish motion I grabbed the fish, presenting it to the boys. "Now ye try"

It had been hours since we started "fishing" and we had a backpack full (most of them were because of me). But most importantly it seemed like Brandon had fun even though he didn't speak to us.

Norman and I walked behind Brandon as he happily looked at all the flowers, stopping to sniff some and then skipping off.

"What do ye think of Brandon?" Norman looked at me "well... He's different" I chuckled at his answer "yeah but its good different. He seems sweet. Nothin' like his dumb ass brother" "yeah but we can't trust any of them. Not even him" Norman said pointing to Brandon.

I didn't say anything. I just watched Brandon. He didn't seem like he had a care in the world. He definitely was and is different but I like it.

It's been so long! Sorry I haven't update but its nice to see people are actually interested into this story and what happens next.

I appreciate the kind comments. Thank you all so much. Its nice to really when I'm laying in bed sick. (Yes, I've been I'll for the past few weeks but I'm feeling better. Its almost easter!!! And the walking dead is awesome!!! Is it not?! I am looking forward to the final but not when it ends until winter!!!

Anyway thank you again I hope to update again during the easter break. Until next time read my other story! Bye!

(P.S. sorry for any spelling mistakes)

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