TWD Panel

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This place is awesome!!! I was taking everything in as Daniella ran off to find whatever she was looking for.

"Dani! Wait!" I giggled, trying to catch up with her. "Oh my gosh!" Daniella stopped erupted, nearly making me bump into her.

I stood next to her and looked up at what she was looking at...

The Walking Dead Simulator

My eyes widened. "We have ta try this!" Daniella giggled at me "of course we will! But the Q and A is soon so we'll have to do it after" I nodded in agreement. "Let's go so we can get the best seats" Daniella said, pulling my arm.

We ran as fast as we could without bumping into people. "Come on Car! We need to be as close to Rick as possible" I laughed at Daniella. She is so hung up on Rick it's nasty.

"Hey! No its da..." I stopped in my tracks. "Hey Ms Pearl!" I called to the elderly women who was sitting next to a man that I'm guessing is her husband. I've never seen him but Ms Pearl told me that for some reason she never took his name.

"Hey sweetie. You made it" Ms pearl smiled. I walked over to her, this time dragging Daniella with me.

"Hi Ms pearl. How are ye?" "I'm good thank you" at this time the elderly man walked behind Ms pearl and put his hands on her shoulder. "Oh Caroline, this is my husband Bernard" "hi" I smiled shaking his hand. "This is ma friend Daniella" I finally introduced her as she was rudely coughing behind me.

"Well hello young lady. Caroline has told me so much about you" Ms Pearl said proudly. "She has?!" Daniella cocked an eyebrow at me, making me chuckle.

"You never told me that you were next to The Walking Dead's Q and A stand" I said, shock. "Yes. We are. I didn't know you liked that sort of thing. Its a bit too gruesome for us" Ms Pearl sneered her nose up. "Yeah. Its like the best thing ever!" Daniella shouted right behind me.

"Oh well then here" Ms pearl went into her handbag and took out two badges before handing them to me.

"We got given these from that youngish one from The Walking Dead" my eyes widened as I looked ay them. "Ms Pearl! Y'all the greatest!" I laughed hugging the old women.

"These badges will get you a meet and greet with the cast along with front row seats" at this time me and Daniella high fived each other.

"Well thanks agin Ms Pearl. We better git goin. Bye Bernard!" I waved to Ms Pearl's husband before getting dragged away by Daniella.

It was time!!!

The doors were opening and thanks to our new VIP passes we were two of the first people to take our seat.

Me and Daniella decided to take the end two chairs as it would be easier to get out after the panel was over.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready?" The host questioned. Everyone cheered, me and Daniella wolf whistled and clapped.

"Ok" the host chuckled. "Here's your panel!" He then walked off stage clapping as 4 figured submerged from behind the curtains.

Daniella screamed as Andrew Lincoln AKA Rick Grimes walked on stage followed by chandler Riggs, steven yenn and Michonne (can remember her real name). But there was no Daryl, No Norman in sight. I sat back and sighed.

"Hang on!" Andrew perked up. "Where's Norman?" Everyone started looking around. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. This chick decided to sit in front of me so I couldn't see my cue" my eyes widened. Daryl's hand was on my shoulder! Norman Reedus' hand was on my shoulder!!!

I kept my cool and shrugged his hand off. He chuckled in my ear and ran up on the stage. "Norman Reedus everyone!" Andrew cheered making everyone ho crazy.

Everyone were asking questions after questions. The Q and A was almost over and neither me or Daniella could get a word in.

"Ok. We'll take a few more questions" the host announced making everyone moan. Mine and Daniella's hands shot up. "Yes?" Andrew pointed to Daniella.

"Oh my god!" She started to get all giddy. "Ok. Urm. Firstly. I love you" andrew chuckled at her comment but I just face palmed my hand.

"Urm secondly... What's London like? Do you miss you're family when you're here?" I zoned out after that. I didn't really care much. I mean I like andrew Lincoln but his character I ain't very keen on.

"Car? Car!" I shook my head and looked at Daniella. "Yeah?" "They said you can ask a question if you like" I looked up to see all eyes on me.

"Urm... Ok" I stood up and looked at Norman. "Norman. How is it tha ye so small ye can't be seen from behind little ol' me?" I smirked as Norman's eyes widened. I chuckled and sat back down.

"Ooh!" Andrew mocked "she does a better southern accent than you" I chuckled.

"Yeah well... Shut up!" Norman tried to defend himself. I was still waiting for my answer "well?" I crossed my arms. Norman smirked and opened his mouth "I git it off ma mom?" He answered, doing his southern accent. "Not bad" I smiled.

"Ok everyone. The panel is over. The meet and greet will start in 20 minutes" the host waved to the now opened exits as everyone was making their way out.

I turned around and noticed Norman staring holes into my back. I smirked at him and left the panel area.

This was turning out to be a great day!

So this was longer than expected but I just couldn't stop!!! Norman is so sweet! I've never actually been to a comic con as I live in england and it sucks here so I don't really know how it works but I've heard.

Thank you for giving this story a try. I will update my other story soon hopefully. Thank you again! xoxo

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