Now Or Never

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We got to the bottom of the second floor stairs. I looked up trying to figure out which room Caroline is in based the movement. I turned to Brandon who looked as scared as I felt.

I put one hand on his shoulder, making him look at me. "Brandon, I'm gonna need you to find Stephanie's car keys ok? If she's anything like she used to be then the keys should be in the microwave in the kitchen. I need you to then start the car BUT don't do anything else!"

I looked Brandon dead in the eye to make sure he understood. After a few moments he took a breath and put on a brave face before nodding.

He took off, leaving me at the bottom of the stairs. I glared at the long corridor at the top. 'Its now or never'. I crept up the stairs as carefully as possible.

I was hoping that Caroline would be in the room I was kept in which was the last one at the end of the hall.

I snapped my head suddenly to the sound of laughter and giggles. A door stood ajar, I walked slowly over to it and quickly saw Stephanie and Dave doing some quite freaky stuff in the bedroom.

I bit my lip, trying to hold back any loud sounds and stepped slowly away, turning my attention back onto Caroline.

I finally reached the door but it was locked and chained. I The Walking Dead has taught me anything it is to pick a lock. I picked up a bobby pin that Stephanie must have left on the floor (coincidence) and got to work.

About 5 minutes later the chains were on the floor and and the door was unlocked. I didn't even think twice before bursting into the room. I had to hold back a gasp when I looked at the sight before me.

Caroline was there alright but just barely. She was unconscious and covered in blood. Her clothes were completely torn, the only things she was practically wearing was her underwear.

I quickly rushed over to her and I could now see that she had a very nasty break to her wrist. I grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it round her before picking her up and heading out of the room.

Before I even took two steps out of the room, the door to the room down the hall swung open making me quickly dart back inside and shut the door. It won't be long until they notice the unlocked chains on the floor.

I looked around in a hurry trying to find another exit, forgetting about the weight of Caroline in my arms.

After a few minutes I realized that my only option was the window. I walked towards it and looked out at the surroundings.

I could see Stephanie's car with the engine quietly running and the driver door slightly open waiting for our arrival. "It's now or never Caroline" I whispered in her ear before smashing the glass from the window, assuming it was locked too.

I looked down and then at Caroline. This is going to be a mission and a half! I thought to myself as I stepped out and grabbed hold of a tree that was leaning close to the window and started to climb down with one hand as the other held Caroline close to me. Thank god she's light!

"D-Daryl?" I looked down as Caroline opened her eyes slightly and smirked at her and chuckled "its gonna be alright" she fell unconscious again just as a sudden shriek was loudly heard.

I looked up to see by Stephanie and Dave leaning out of the window. "Norman! You get back here right now!" Stephanie's face was bright red with anger but I couldn't stop now. I quickly made it a safe distance down the tree that I could jump the rest of the way without hurting myself.

I looked up to see that both lunatics were now gone. I quickly ran to the car, laid Caroline in the back seat and quickly jumped into the drivers seat. I turned to face Brandon who was already buckled in.

"Thank you Brandon, you really saved our lives. You are a true super hero" Brandon beamed so much at my words that he had to look away. I chuckled as I started the car but my smile soon faded.

"Norman! You get back here with my car! Don't you even think about it" I gasped as I saw Stephanie and Dave in the rear view mirror running towards "Brandon, what are you doing?!" Dave's voice boomed. Brandon looked frightened at me and that's when I put the car into gear and drove off as fast as I could down the dirt road.

"I hope they don't catch up to us" Brandon whimpered, looking back every few seconds. "Me too Brandon, me too".

So this is a very belated update! I am so sorry! Believe it or not but I have no WIFI in my house! How do I live right? Well I barely am but I'll make it through 😊 thank you for not giving up on the story or me but sadly we are coming to an end and I think I might take a break from writing for a while.

Thank you again loyal fans and followers!!!

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