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When we got back to work, it was like nothing ever happened.

We acted like I didn't hold him all night, didn't wipe his tears, and as if I didn't whisper to him that everything was going to be okay. It was like I didn't help him burn every letter Nathan ever sent him.

He was back to Luke the assistant, and I was back to Michael the rockstar.

I smiled as he walked into the recording studio.

"Hey Luke." I said, and he walked over to me.

"I was supposed to come and get your guy's Panda Express orders." He said, and I smirked, resting my head on my chin. "Or did you just come to see me?" I asked, and he laughed.

"I'm not trying to feed your ego, so just give me your orders and I'll go." He said, and I laughed, writing mine on a paper, followed by ash and cal.

Before Luke started to walk away, I grabbed his wrist. "Do you have to go?" I asked, and pouted my lips. "Michael I'm gonna get in trouble." He laughed.

"Fine, but you'll have no excuse to get away from me on our date tonight." I said, and he looked back down at me.

"What?" He asked, and smiled.

"Please go on a date with me, Luke. Tonight at 8." I said, and he smiled bigger, and nodded. "I'd love to." He whispered as he bent down to my ear, and kissed my cheek.

He walked away with a hop in his step, leaving a big smile on my face.


I smiled as the blonde boy cracked up at something I said.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, and blushed after he calmed down. "I'm just glad to see you so happy." I said, and he smiled as I signed the check.

We both stood up, and started to walk out of the front doors.

"Do you hold hands on the first date?" I joked, and he giggled. He reached over to me, and grabbed my hand, tangling our fingers together.

I groaned once I saw the first camera flash. They quickly multiplied, and soon enough, Luke was getting asked so many questions. He looked up at me, and he looked scared.

I held his hand as tight as I could, and pulled him away from the camera men, running to my car.

I felt his hand jerk back, so I turned around and saw a few people pulling on his jacket. A girl eventually ripped him from my grip, and a camera man put his hand on Luke's shoulder, pulling him back.

My face turned angry as I put my arm around Luke, pulling him through the small crowd. I opened the passenger door to my car, and he got in quickly. I ran to my side, getting in quickly.

When I got in, I saw him wiping his eyes. "Luke I'm so sorry. That kinda ruined the date. I didn't mean to upset you." I said and he shook his head.

"You didn't do anything. I just have bad anxiety and I get scared." He said, so I put up the arm rest, and wrapped my arm around him, kissing his forehead.

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