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"Where the hell is Luke?!" I yelled as the door opened.

"I had to get coffee." I heard him say. He came in, and sat everyone's coffee down in front of them. He came by me, and slammed my cup down, causing some of it to spill.

"Thanks, sweetheart." I said sarcastically, and took a sip, immediately spitting it back in the cup. It was freezing cold black coffee.

"Luke what are you doing? We're discussing recording hours. If you're gonna be in the band you need to be here on time." Jason said.

"Well, I'm not going to be in the band." He said, and started walking out.

"Don't worry, Jason. He'll be back soon. Once a fame-seeker, always a fame-seeker." I said, and smirked at Luke. He looked back at me, and flipped me off before walking out of the door.


I walked by the mail room, and saw Luke crying while sorting files.

I still hated seeing him upset, but he deserves it.

"Just talk to him." Ashton said once I walked over to him.

"No. I don't want to talk to him." I muttered, and Ashton rolled his eyes. "Can't you see how hurt he is?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. Maybe he should try a career in acting. He's really good at it." I said, and I knew he was walking over to us, and I knew he heard me.

"I suck at acting. Guess that explains why I'm here." He mumbled, and gave me a sarcastic, fake smile.

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