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"I know it's not really the ideal date you probably had in mind, but I just don't want to get you in trouble, and we can stay away from everyone here." I said as I led him into my house.

I barely ever come here. I usually just stay in the 5sos house, but I want us to be alone.

"This is a very cute date." He said, and sat on the ground with me.

We had a blanket put down on the ground with a big bowl of pretzels.

"Sorry about the food. I haven't been here in a while." I said, and he laughed. "Michael it's okay. It's perfect." He said, and scooted closer to me.

"How do you feel about letting someone put their arm around you on only the second date?" I asked, and he moved even closer.

"Only if they do something totally cheesy, and pretend to yawn to get their arm around me." He said.

"Well, good thing I'm really tired." I said, and yawned, putting my arm over his shoulder, pulling him into me. He laid his head down on my shoulder as we looked out of the big glass windows. We looked outside at the pool, and how the light reflected off of it.

The house was pretty dark, but we could still see each other through the light blue hues coming through the widows.

I looked down, and he was already looking up at me. "I really wanna kiss you." He whispered. "What's stopping you?" I asked, and smiled down at him.

"The naked girl swimming in your pool." He said, and I furrowed my eye brows. I looked at the pool, and saw Kylee swimming in it, without any clothes. (a/n: credits to one tree hill)

She's an actress the company tried to set me up with. I flirted with her a bit at the start, but I didn't like her.

I stood up, and opened the window, looking down.

"Hey Kylee, you kinda gotta go. I'm kinda on a date right now, and he won't kiss me because there's a naked girl in my pool. You're killing the mood." I called.

"Why don't you just come down here and join me?" She asked, and bit her lip.

"Because I have a really hot guy in my living room." I said, and heard Luke laugh.

I shut the window, and looked back at him. "What about that kiss?" I asked, and he stood up, walking closer to me. His lips almost touched mine before he whispered something.

"Maybe on the third date."

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