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After running through Luke's songs, we decided to go to the studio after all

We went through a rough recording, and Jason was impressed. I winked at Luke who was standing in the corner. He blushed, and then looked down at the ground.

"Boys, these are the best songs you've ever written, but it's just missing a strong lead vocal, and I don't know what to tell you." He said.

Luke would be perfect for it. I'm sure he's practiced his own songs, and his voice is so beautiful.

I took the opportunity.

"Luke would be perfect. He wrote the songs after all. He wrote every single part of them, so he knows these songs better than anyone. Not to mention, he has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard." I said, and looked at him.

Jason and Daniel both turned around, and looked at him.

"You're already not on my good side, so get in there and redeem yourself." Daniel said, so Luke shyly made his way into the recording booth.

"Michael I can't." He whispered, so I walked over to him.

"Yes you can. I believe in you." I said, and kissed his forehead.

He nervously walked over to the microphone standing in the middle of us.

"Okay, Luke. Just to test, we're gonna run through the first verse, and chorus of Jet Black Heart, okay?" Jason said, and he nodded.

He looked back at me, and I winked at him again, causing him to smile.

After we were finished, and the music stopped, it was dead silent. We were all surprised by Luke's talent, and we were all left speechless.

Ashton was the first one to speak up.

"Can Luke be in the band?" He asked softly, causing me and Calum to nod our heads in agreement.

Jason looked over at Daniel, and they both nodded.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to hire a new assistant."



"You did it, Luke!" Michael shouted once we got home. He picked me up, and spun me around. I giggled, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I pressed my forehead against his, and kissed his nose.

"Now, if we have to be at the drive in by 7, we better leave by 6:30 which means you have thirty minutes to get ready." He said, and I nodded, getting down onto my feet.

"Hey babe?" He said, so I turned around, and looked at him.

"Wear one of my shirts." He said.

"Why?" I asked, and he smirked.

"So when I rip it off of you tonight, I won't care if It gets torn." He said, causing me to gasp.

"You wish." I laughed, and ran up the stairs.

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