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Dans p.o.v:
It was finally time. I was going to do it. I mean what could happen? He's my best friend. He would never leave me for something this silly right? Plus he's gay! Why would he be mad? I took a deep breath a took out my phone bringing up phils contact information

Dan: Phil?

Phil: Hello danny

Dan gave a tiny smile at the nick name
Dan: I have something important to tell you.. Just promise you won't hate me?

Phil: I could never hate you dan, your my best friend. And best friends stick together no matter what

Dan: Thanks phil... Well here it goes... Im bisexual..

Phil: awe dan! You didn't have to be scared of that! Of course i fully support you, you spork

Dan: Really?? Thanks Lion... It means alot

Phil: You really think i would change my opinion on you from that? Your still the same dan just happen to like boys and girls

Dan: Come here you dork and hug me

Phil: Alright you nerd

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