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Summary: Dan and Phil are hunters and they go to hunt a wendigo
Catagory: random
Word count: 640

Phils p.o.v:
"Dan come look at this!" i call to my hunting companion. We've known each other basically our whole lives. Both of our parents were hunters and were good friends. Did i mention Dan was the littlest of the Winchester family? He got sepperated from his brothers on a hunt and they never got back in touch. At least Dan has the impala.

Dan and i had our first hunting encounter together when i had gone off on my own and thought i could outake a group of demons but there were more than i thought. By the end i had a fractured rib and 2 dead parents. Dan and i decided to team up and weve been that way ever since.

"Earth to Phil? Helloooo" Dan was waving his hand in my face and i guess i zoned out.

"Oh! Yeah sorry.. Look at this" i pointed to the Article i found online "6 people have gone missing out in the Blackwater Ridge in Colorada" i told him "All signs point to a Wendigo" I countinued. (Anyone get the location reference?)

If Dan was scared of any creature it was the Wendigo. Because of Dans irrational fear of the dark and trees wendigos scared the crap out of him. I could see him sudder at the thought.

"You dont have to go... I can do it" i suggest hesitantly and i see him freeze up a little. Dan has always been extremly protective of me. I was a few years younger but i think it mostly had to do as i was the closest thing he has to family.

"No. Thats out of the question" he says seriously starting to pace. Dan has never let me go on a hunt alone. I sighed.

"Dan you wouldnt be able to focus. Youd be frozen in fear. Remember last time? We both nearly died" I tried to convince him. I see him soften a little, his eyes having a glint of thought in them. I start to get my hopes up.

"I can be back in 4 days at most. I can do this" i countinued. And i see him look down. And my heart starts to race.

"You get your ass back here in three days. And your bringing holy water and salt" he said sighing but still serious. I squeel happily and stand up hugging him and i hear him laugh.

"Thank you thank you thank you" i say quickly jumping up and down and Dan giggles at my silly state and he returns my hug.

"You better come home save Phil" he whispers into my hair rubbing my back. I rest my head on his chest closing my eyes melting into his hold.

"I will. I promise" i whisper back. We stay in the hug for a long while until Dan says hes hungry and we go to the diner to get some food.

----------------------- time skip --------------------------

"Your sure you have everything?" Dan asked concerned for the thousandth time. I roll my eyes giggling.

"Im sure mum" i tease him poking his side and he smiles.

"Three days" he reminds me putting my duffle bag jn the trunk of the Impala. I nod showing i understand and i gave him a last hug. He held me close and my stomach did the flippy over thing it always does but i ignored it.

When we finally pulled apart i get into the Impala and smile hearing the engine purr. God this car was a beauty.

"Ill call you when i get there" i tell Dan and he smiles nodding and so i start the long 17 hour drive from California to Colorado

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