Chapter 16: Silence and Science

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Emory's P.O.V

I was laying on my bed.

It was my worst nightmare, I felt as though my heart was trying to claw it's way out of my chest, everything was spinning, I roll over and begin screaming into my pillow.

No one's home, my parents are out, rose is out. It's just me and my thoughts.

I drove him away. I was too clingy. I wasn't pretty enough. Not popular enough. I should've known. I'm so stupid and ignorant to trust him. The worst of it all is I have school tomorrow and everyone will know.

Shor's breakups are never private. Well he's never actually had an official breakup, just 'things' that he's 'dropped' and they've been huge things for the school, it's like Shor's life is more interesting then 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians.' I don't know what to expect wether people will hate me. Wether Shor will try and get me back or wether he'll have given up completely.


I wake to a black sky. Well I'm being a little over dramatic it's grey and bucketing rain. Very symbolic to my mood, grey and bucketing tears.

Why is it the wether always seems in sync with how I'm feeling. When I'm happy the sky seems bluer and the clouds seem fluffier its like everything is brighter and I'm walking on air, but when I'm sad everything feels like the colour is being slowly sucked out of it, like a vacuum. Everything has an air of gloom to it which just ends up making me feel worse.

"Emy, you going to school anytime soon?" Rose comes in asking.

"Whats the time?"


"Shit I was meant to be up 20 minutes ago"

I race out of bed running to my cupboard before realising no ones coming to pick me up, I can take as long as I want I have to drive myself today, there'll be no Shor to be left waiting if I take to long. That thought sets in my head hits like a heavy weight, so heavy in fact that I sink to the floor of my cupboard and begin to cry some more.

"Emory whats wrong when, you left us last night you were fine and when I came home you were asleep with a tear streaked face and now your crying in your cupboard what happened last night?" Rose says entering my cupboard

"Were done, it's over, I fucked it up. How could I be so stupid as to think I little nobody Emory James could fucking change the ways of super player Shor Mallory" I yell

"Oh god emy, What happened?" She says sitting down beside me enveloping me in a hug.

"He kissed Courtney"


"We found her on the side of the road 'drunk' and so we walked her home and when he walked her to the door they kissed and not just kissed her tongue was so far down his throat I'm surprised he didn't choke, then I freaked out didn't give a chance to explain, broke up with him and ran home"

"Well Maybe you should have heard him out, but it's to late now, now you need to rock up to school the hottest chick to ever walk the halls and I'm gonna help" Rose says pulling me up and ripping out different outfit choices until she finally finds one she likes.

"Don't worry about it Rose I don't want to stand out today, I'm going to have enough people looking at me anyway I'm just going to stick to my normal look"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I say pulling out an outfit

"You'll rock that outfit Emy, now you walk into school head held high and pretend like nothing happened your a James your strong and no boy can fuck you up"

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