The Kidnapping

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I thought people are nice and peacefully quiet nowadays but I was wrong. I'm being kidnapped right now by these unknown people. They are not Kazuyoshi's pips. I know them, Physically. . and these guys are different to Kazuyoshi's underlings. Why am I being kidnapped. . AGAIN ?

Let's go back from 10 mins ago. .

As I seduced Kazuyoshi in my room, I quickly told him 'forget it. . you're leaving now anyway' I pushed him out of my room and heard him totally pissed.

"Fine ! I'm going home but in one condition. ." he uttered quite embarrassed.

I opened the door of my room and asked "what should that be ?" And then he said. .

"See me off. ." while fidgeting his both thumbs and blushing ear to ear.

"Sure. . why not ?" I answered while giving him a 'he's-so-interesting' smile.

"Hurrah !" He was so happy "let's go, let's go !!" He grabbed me by my wrist and went in front of the Mansion.

"Umm. . can I. ." he was fidgeting.

"No. So go now. . bye !" I waved him goodbye.

He looks so disappointed though. . nah. . I think I'm still not yet ready for that kind of stuff. . as he left, I turned around and is about to enter the Mansion's gate but then someone suffocated me 'til I passed out using a handkerchief. That's why. .


"So you're the lover, ey ?" A sweet smooth voice was heard inside of that Black Benz.

"Mmff ?!" I didn't recognize that there's a tape in my lips.

She snapped her fingers one time and one of her men took off the tape. Ow. That hurts. .

"Who. . ? Kazu--"

"--ya. . name 'ss Kazuya Seishun" she said. "Bro's--I mean, Kazuyoshi Kuwata's twin sis."

". . ."

"Never heard of me ? Well that's natural. . you're his new lover anyway. . you wouldn't understand even I explain it to you" she kept on blabbering.

". . . . ying. . ." I mumbled.

"Speak louder !" She shouted at me.

"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING" she looks so startled.


What. . did he. . just say ? I'm annoying ? That's the first time. . someone told me. . such ABSURD thing. . !! Big bro is my idol ever since we were kids. . ! When he started on dating that first love of his. .

That girl. . she just. . wants to screw with my big bro !! Such a slut ! A whore to be precised !! That bitch. . when big bro did it with that girl, she said bro's not good at anything that's why that girl broke up with big bro. . !

That's why I promised myself. . big bro who always help me from those bullies, I thought of breaking those bastard's heart that big bro's screwing just to be good at doing 'it' for the sake of that good for nothing girl. . so that big bro won't get heart broken again. .

Instead, his fake lovers are feeling sadness and feeling dump now. . !!

Wearing big bro's clothes, cutting my hair to his hair's length. . we really look alike. . since we really are twins.

Why won't you look at me instead, Yoshi-nii ?

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