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Ashton's POV
My phone dinged with a notification. I opened it up and saw that Calum had sent a video of Hannah and Elizabeth. I told the guys not to go to her concerts anymore because there is no way that little girl is my daughter. I don't even remember having sex with Hannah. It was two years ago that she told us and the guys were still convinced that Elizabeth was mine, so they went to every show they could because Elizabeth was always there.

She was the opposite of Hannah. Hannah had brown eyes but Elizabeth had hazel eyes (that according to the boys were blue most of the time). Hannah had dark brown hair and Elizabeth had honey colored hair. Hannah's hair was pin straight as was Elizabeth's for the most part. Hannah's nose was small but Elizabeth's was long and rounded but it was cute on her.

I found myself wondering if she was mine. She didn't look anything like Hannah. If anything she looked like me. I went back to watch the video deciding to deal with my questions later.

Hannah and Elizabeth were riding around in a small car on stage. Elizabeth parked the car and ran to the drummer and grabbed some drumsticks and went to a smaller drum set. She started playing and the camera zoomed in on Hannah. She looked distressed at first but then smiled and started recording Elizabeth. After that the video ended.

I opened up Twitter ignoring all of my notifications and went to Hannah's profile. Her profile picture was of her and Elizabeth on the day she was born. The cover photo was her Elizabeth and another lady around a birthday cake. I'm assuming it's Elizabeth's birthday.

I opened up a new tweet directed to her and wrote. 'We should talk....' I hit send and watched my phone blow up waiting for her to reply.

Hannah's POV
I was walking off stage towards my room when my Twitter started blowing up. I walked into the room and sat down at the couch with a sleepy Elizabeth. It was a tweet from Ashton. It read 'We should talk....'  I clicked on his profile and DM'd him my number.

I put my phone away ignoring all the vibrations coming from it. Elizabeth had fallen asleep so I picked her up and carried her to my car. I put her in and turned the ignition but it wasn't starting. I tried two more times before giving up and screaming. I got out and picked Elizabeth up fishing my phone out of my pocket. "Fucking great just what I need a dead car."

I felt someone behind me. I spun around and was face to chest with a man. I held Elizabeth close and backed up against my car. I looked up and saw Calum. I hadn't seen him in forever.

"Hey are you okay? I heard someone yell over here and came to see what was wrong." I groaned and shifted Elizabeth.

"My fucking car is dead and Beth is asleep and she isn't the lightest child in the world." I said. "Here let me hold her. I can give you a ride." He offered. I quickly argued with myself in my head but I was gonna drop her soon. I handed her over carefully and grabbed her car seat and day bag.

I followed him to my car and took the time to look at my phone. So many messages from Ashton.

Hey it's Ashton.


Why aren't you answering? 😡😡

Sorry Calum just texted me saying he was giving you a ride.

Come over. I'd really like to see you.

I'm calling someone to tow your car.

I finally texted him back.

It's late and Beth needs to go to bed. I can try to come over tomorrow but we leave for France soon.

I looked back at Beth sucking on her silky blanket. A habit I intend to break but it comforts her. I sighed as my phone went off.

I have a spare room that you and Elizabeth can sleep in. Please? I need to see you guys.

I rolled my eyes and typed away.

Fine. I'll tell Calum to take me to your house.

He quickly replied.

He is already on his way.

"Glad I agreed to it before you forcefully dragged me and my two year old into a strange man's house." I said laughing. Calum laughed and we started talking about our music careers. It was nice to catch up with him.

We quickly arrived at a fancy looking penthouse complex. "Wow." I said. "Can you get Elizabeth and I'll get the car seat and day bag and I'll take you guys up there?" Calum said snapping me out of my dazed state.

I nodded and tripped out of the car and carefully took a half awake Elizabeth out of her seat. "Sommes-nous à la maison de grand-mère encore?" She spoke in her sleepy state.

"Are we at grandmother's house yet?"

When she was tired or in an unfamiliar place she spoke French. It was her first language and I've been teaching her since she was 9 months old. People are surprised at how fluent she is. She speaks better French than English sometimes.

"Cependant, aucune. Nous allons là-bas la semaine prochaine. Nous sommes dans la maison de mon ami. Nous allons passer la nuit avec lui. Est-ce que vous êtes d'accord?" She nodded and laid her head back on my shoulder.

"No not yet. We're going there next week. We're at my friend's house. We will spend the night with him. Is that okay with you?"

I walked into the building with Calum following and we quickly climbed into the elevator. Calum pressed a button and I set Beth down seeing as she was wide awake now.

The button dinged and it opened to a beautiful room. This was a bad idea. I turned around and a voice called me back.

"Hannah?" Ashton whispered. I turned back around and looked at him. I felt Beth hide behind my legs. I sucked in a breath. He was wearing sweatpants that hung low on his hips and glasses. His curly hair was disheveled and he wasn't wearing a shirt. He was just as handsome as 33 months ago. "Ashton." I breathed out.

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