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I promise I'm not the devil. Don't hate me.

Luke's POV

It's been five hours. Five fucking hours since I was kicked out of their room. Five hours since we have heard anything about Ashton and Hannah or the baby. Beth has just cried and refused to eat.

I had to ask for a translator because I couldn't understand anything she was saying. She only said things in French. Turns out she was praying. Three year old Elizabeth Nevaeh Irwin was praying for her mother and fathers and baby brothers well being.

After she would pray for about an hour she would go back to crying in my arms, then sometimes she would fall asleep crying.

"Family of Ashton Irwin and Hannah Irwin?" I shot up and gripped Beth so that she wouldn't fly out of my arms. I looked around and saw the Calum and Michael wipe their tears.

Ashton's family stood beside us and listened. I couldn't get a hold of any of Hannah's family.

"Yes? That's all of us!" I cried. The doctor looked around sadly. "I think it's best if we have Beth come in along with Michael, Luke, and Calum." The doctor said.

I nodded and started walking towards the doctor followed by Mike and Cal. I danced Beth around a bit to try and wake her. "Luke. Where are we going?" She asked scared.

I hushed her and nodded up towards the doctor. We followed him down a long hallway taking some turns as we went. We were three doors down from their room, when we heard shouting.

"Where is my daughter? I want my daughter! Elizabeth! Baby girl!" Ashton yelled. He sounded like he was fighting someone.

Beth jumped out of my arms and ran to the room. I ran after her and stood in the doorway of Ashton's room.

Beth had dodged all the nurses and doctors and was now in her fathers arms. Ashton was crying and holding onto Beth. He seemed to have his memory. "Wait what's wrong with her arm? What happened? Why am I here?" Never mind.

"Sir you, your wife, you, your daughter and Mister Luke Hemmings were in a car crash four weeks ago. You and your wife were put into medically induced comas to stop the swelling in your brains. Don't worry your son in fine and still inside your wife. In the crash Beth broke her arm, er go, the cast." The nurse said calmly while checking his vitals.

"Is she going to wake up?" Ashton asked playing with Beth's hair. The nurse looked him in the eye and then looked at Hannah but her eyes were directed on her swollen stomach. "I don't know. Ask the doctor when he comes in. Would you like a sucker today love?" She asked bending down to Beth's level.

She nodded happily and hugged her dad. I took out my phone and took a picture of Ashton cradling Beth. 'Finally reunited. She missed her daddy. No info on mummy or baby yet.' I posted on Twitter and Instagram. I tagged him and the boys then slipped my phone in my pocket.

"Come on Beth you should use the bathroom. You haven't used it in a while. Also need to drink something." I said picking her up and sending her to the bathroom.

"Thank you, Luke for taking care of her. How has she been?" He asked looking at the love of his life laying limp on the bed next to him.

"Nightmares every night. Crying most of the day. Crawls into my bed every night." I said patting his shoulder. "Luke help!" Beth cried.

I ran to the bathroom and saw her struggling to wash her hands. "Here just use hand sanitizer." I said putting some on her hands.

She rubbed her hands together then ran to her dad. "Daddy I missed you. Did you enjoy your sleep?" He smiled and kissed her forehead. "No I missed you most. The sleep was nice but I missed you so much. Mummy missed...."

Hannah's heart rate started to pick up. Her machines went crazy. She started shaking really bad and then she just stopped. The constant beeping went flat. Beth screamed and tried to get out of her fathers arms.

"She's in v-tach again. Come on people let's move!" A doctor shouted. "We need to get this baby out! It's too dangerous for him!" Another doctor shouted. We were shoved outside and people moved Ashton to a different room. We all went into Ashton's room. Beth and Ashton cried together. "The love of my life's heart just stopped. What about my son?"

We sat there for two hours listening to each other cry before there was a small knock on the door.

The doctor walked in and he looked tired. He looked at Beth crying in her dads arms and I swear something in his eyes broke.

We were already crying before he said anything. "I'm so sorry. I tried everything I could. There was something wrong with her heart previously not caused by the crash. Time of death for Hannah Elizabeth Irwin was 2:34 pm on January 25th." The doctor said patting my shoulder.

"What about my son?" Ashton asked. "We delivered him via c-section. He is a healthy baby boy the nurses will be bringing him in soon." He said and walked out.

He walked out and I looked at Ashton. He was broke but he smiled. I think it was because of the happy news of his son. I went and took Beth from his arms. "You can't abandon your son and daughter. You need to take care of them. The guys and I will help you but they are your kids." I said sternly yet softly. He nodded.

"What's his name? You never told us what you were naming him! You do have a name for your son don't you?" I asked him. He shook his head. "She said she would know his name when she held him in her arms the first time. She said I would too." He said.

Ashton's POV

There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in holding a blue blanket. Luke held Beth in his arms as she looked in wonder at her baby brother. "Here is your son. I'm sorry about your wife. If you have any questions please press the call button." She smiled and left the room.

As soon as she left she was right back in. She was a bit flustered. "Sorry what was his name? I need to fill out some papers." I looked down at my son. He looked exactly like me. Honey colored hair and eyes I'm sure would turn blue like his sisters.

"Hi Jacob Alexander Irwin. I'm your daddy and this is your sissy Elizabeth and your uncle's Luke, Calum and Mikey. I'm sorry you couldn't meet your mummy. She would have loved your eyes." Tears slid down my face as I held my son in one arm and my daughter in my other. This was my family now.

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