Chapter One

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'And the death cause was a kitchen knife....' I murmured finishing my homework for tomorrow. These cases are getting harder and harder to crack.

I streched my arm up feeling my joints happily crack from first movement in hours. Looking back at my desk I saw papers and pictures scattered around.

I always wanted to have an interesting job and always fantasized about being a detective cracking cases one by one like it was a cake but now I found out how much sharpness I lacked. Of course I'm getting better but there is a long way to perfection.

I neatly put all my documents into my bag and made a little more streching. Feeling my body awake again I left my room and walked down stairs to the kitchen for some food.

I was renting and apartment not far away from my university with my best friend Emma. While I'm studying how people were killed, she is learning how to help them. She wants to be a doctor and we both are going to the same university. Besides my criminology studies I picked biology as well. Mainly to learn as much plants and their properties as possible.

I opened the fridge to find it empty. Sighing I walked back to my room and took my bag with wallet. Going back to the kitchen I left the note for Emma where I went and left.

The main street was busy with people going back home or night clubs. I checked my watch and it said 10:36 p.m. I sped up not wanting to get attacked by some drunk man when I heard my phone let out a small cat cry. Message from Emma. She loved cats so I put the sound just for her.

Come to Ethan's place

I frowned and got nervous at the same time. I had crush on him for about two months and as much Emma tried to make me tell him my feelings, I always chickened out. And now she wants me to go to his place.

Why? I sent and stopped at the red light.

Just get your ass here was all I got so I just sighed and turned around.

I found out that he lived only 10 minutes away from us and I was happy that it was so close since it was dark outside and I lived in London's center. Scary...

When I reached the complex where Ethan lived I felt my breathing going a bit off. I was nervous. Opening front door I started climbing to the 5th floor. When I stopped in front of his place's door my knees started shaking. Is it normal to be nervous this much? And because of a guy you like?

I pressed the ring button and waited but no one came. Frowning I rang the bell again but nothing happened again. I took my phone out to call Emma when the door opened. I looked and saw no one by the door.

Did those doors just opened by themselves?....

I felt goosebumbs going down my spine. It was dark inside and now I was starting to get scared. What if there is a killer inside?

Well that's is ironic. Being killed while studying about the killers.... I thought and walked in.

'Hello?' I shouted walking into the living room. It was pich dark and I coudn't see anyone.

'SURPRISE!!!!!!' I let out a scream and jumpped back when the lights turned on and whole bunch of people popped out of their hiding places with party hats and other thingies you use in birthday parties. I was shocked.

'Happy birthday!' Emma shouted and hugged me.

'I almost peed myself. Self opening doors are scary' I said and recieved bunch of laughs.

'Ethan's idea' said Mark, one of my group student, and gave me a present.

'Thank you everybody, I completely forgot about my birthday' I said and recieved even more congratulations.

Suddenly Ethan walked to me and I felt my nerves coming back.

'Happy birthday' he said smiling and hugged me. I swear I almost melted in his arms. He was 5'11 with light brown hair and grey eyes. He was working out and I guess I was not the only one to fall for him.

'Thanks' I said and we parted.

'Since it is a convenient Friday, let's have some fun. Emma said you were cramming those cases like a mashine' he said and took me to the table where alcohol stood.

I picked one of the drinks and took a sip. Mixed alcohol.

I chated with others, danced and drank. After few shots I was a bit drunk so I decided to take a breath of fresh air. I walked into the balcony and saw Ethan standing there. He looked at me and smiled.

'Am I intruding?' I managed to ask normaly and got a chuckle back.

'I'm alone as you can see' he said and I closed the door behind me. I stood by him and looked at the city below us. Even from here you could see people walking and hear them shout and laugh.

'Did you like our surprise?' He asked after a few minutes of nice silence.

'Yeah, it was nice of you all' I said and he chuckled.

'Who would miss a birthday of a person like you' he said and I looked at him. He stood facing me. His eyes were fixated on me so I turned to him as well.

'What do you mean?' I asked curiously and saw his eyes glint.

'I know about your feelings' he said and I felt blood rushing out of my face. How?

'I-I don't know what you are talking a-about' I managed to say and took a small step back.

'Ary, you don't need to deny it' he said and I couldn't take it. I was too scared of rejection that was coming my way.

'I'll be going' I said and turned around to leave but I felt my arm being grabbed and I was turned around. Ethan pinned me by the wall and I felt his breath fanning my face. Seconds later he kissed me. Being kissed by the person you like felt like heaven. It was a nice and short kiss and I was melting for real this time.

'Don't worry, I like you too. Took you long enough to fall im love.' he said and I felt my lips turn into a smile. He smiled as well and kissed me again.

'Best birthday ever' I said and we both laughed. It really is the best birthday ever.

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