Chapter 22

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For the next three days I was sleeping like a bear in winter waking up only for medicine or food. Karin's mate, whose name I later found out was Duke, still didn't like me and avoided me like plague. I guess not all people like the idea of seeing a ghost. Deffinitely not me.

'Karin, please, let me help you. I need to repay you for helping me' I was crying to Karin for the last 20 minutes. I was feeling okay and I felt really bad for taking so much space in their tent for so long.

'No. The fever might come back again and you should go see Omega instead of making my ears bleed' she said. What I learned about her was this woman was stubborn as a mule.

'I don't want to communicate with the dead' I said and tugged her dress' sleeve like a child causing her to giggle.

'Ary, didn't you think about asking the spirit a way to go home?' She said and I froze.

'I'm so stupid' I said and quickly ran towards the Shaman's tent with Karin's laught to back me up.

One thing I knew for sure. Even if Zared would beg me to stay, after what he did, I didn't want to even see him. I knew that he killed a lot of people before I even came to this land but I saw him doing it and I was scared. I am scared. Scared of his void face, no mercy. After all, he did leave me to starve in a freaking torture room!

I parted the cloth that kept the outsiders at bay and peaked in. I saw the old man sitting in the middle of the tent with candles surounding him. To my surprise he had a pentagram draw by something white.

'Come in, dear, sit' the man spoke making me jump. I cautiously walked in and looked around. Shelves with herbs and candles surounded us. Looking up I saw dosen of human and animal skulls placed around and hung at the top of the tent.

I sat besides the old man and he turned to me.

'Are you ready to find out your purpose in these lands?'

'No' I said seriously and he stood up with a nod.

'Okay. I will prepare the herbs and paint. Please wait here' he said and went towards the table where herbs were placed. I sat there with my eyes wide.

'Did you hear what I said?' I asked shocked of his response.

'The fact that you are here means that you are ready' he calmly said and came back to me. I watched as he skillfuly made white paint from water and somekind of white flower.

'Give me your palms' he said and I rose my hands. The old man started to murmur words in a language that I didn't understand and drew a circle on my right palm. Then continuing to chant he drew a filled circle on my left palm. After he was done filling the moon he dipped his one finger into a bowl and in one swift motion drew a moon crest on my forehead. Then painted a line from my eye down my cheek and neck on both sides and stopped chanting.

I probably looked like a weirdo.

'Sit down in the middle with your legs in front of you and palms on your knees facing up' he said and walked out of the pentagram.

Now we turn to yoga and the meditation huh?

I sat as he asked and looked forward to some skull with runes on it.

'Now close your eyes and listen to my voice' he spoke from behind me and I did as I was asked. I closed my eyelids and soon heard his voice, again, chanting in unknown language.

But for some reason nothing happened. I sat in the middle of the pentagram with some old dude walking around me, chanting in unknown language with a skull in his hands and I was painted like a weirdo aswell.

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