Chapter Two

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Once i parked at the Snack Shack down the road from the beach,me and Jess hopped out and walked in. I waved to my manager,Kelsi,and grabbed my apron. There was a benefit to working this close to the beach,more people came by talking about the adventures they went on. People from all over talking about their travels is fascinating to hear about. Whether it was skydiving,surfing,mountain biking-who knows. Here in Hawaii,anything can happen so the possibilities are endless. I loved hearing their stories and seeing their eyes light up as they reminisced over their fondest memory. Jess usually hung out with me to keep me company because it can get boring sometimes. I mean,there are some slow days. But Jess,being the lazy bum that he is,mooches off me for smoothies and free food all the time. Not that i minded because half the time he shared. He sat on the bar stool while i started setting up shop and when i crouched down to grab the ketchup bottles,a voice made me freeze in my place immediately. "Well,well,well. If it isn't miss Mia Range." My body tensed and my eyes narrowed as i stood up to face him. "Zack," I mutter through clenched teeth. "What do you want." I demand,trying not to rip his head off. Jess shifted uncomfortably and my eyes softened a bit as i looked over at him,like an apology. He didn't really like it when he was in situations like this and he felt even worse when i was. "Woah,slow down there,Terminator,i just want to talk. Ya' know,as friends." I rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic smile. "Good to know. I don't. Now,if you'd excuse me-" He quickly intervened. "Me and my crew watched you surf yesterday at the tournament.." Zack states with a mischief glint in his eyes that made me want to punch the shit out of him. But instead,for Jess' sake,i kept my composure and put on my apron. "So? You know i saw you there. If this is about you losing to me and Alex than you can go cry into your Beiber pillow because right now,he's the only thing that would listen." I shot back sassily,wiping down the counter. He gave a forced chuckle and a sly grin pulled at his lips. "You were pretty lazy out there,ya' know. Why is that?" He asked,ignoring my statement. I glared up at him,seeing that he was slightly taller than me. "None of your damn business,Merrick. Now if i have to tell you to piss off one more time,you'll be limping away with my foot shoved so far up your ass,you'll be tasting sneaker for months." Jess sighed,unimpressed with my short temper but Zack's grin grew wider. He got just what he wanted. "Hm,fiesty today are we? All i'm saying is,if you want to be anything like your mom was,you gotta step-" My eye twitched at the mention of my mom and i could see Jess face palm. Wrong move,asshole. "That's it!" I growl,hopping over the counter and standing toe-to-toe with him. "You,me,surf contest next month. We'll see who's got what it takes." I poke his chest and he smirks,knowing he got a rise out of me. "Hm,fine. You're on. But i choose the place. And trust me,you better bring your best game if you're trying to beat me." I scoff and chuckle darkly. "Hardly."

"Zack! You comin' or not man?" His friend,Dex,yells from his car. He looks back at him and nods. "See you in a week,Range." He salutes and runs to the car. I feel Jess lay his hand on my shoulder as i watched them drive away. All my anger disappears and i groan. "Why did i do that?" I shake my head in shame and walk back around the counter. Jess smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry,Mia. You totally can take on,Merrick. I mean,you did beat him at the tournament,right?" I felt my confidence rise a bit more as i nodded. "True." He smiled brighter. "See? This is gonna be a piece of cake." We fist bumped and i went back to setting up the shack. Yeah,a piece of cake..hopefully.

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