Chapter Four

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As he stopped the truck,i tried to look around to see if i knew where i was. "This isn't the part where the handsome and mysterious surfer chops up the clueless stranger into thousands of pieces and eats her,is it?" I ask half-joking. Alex laughs and parks the truck. "No,just come on." I sighed and hopped out,walking over to his side. "Where are we?" He smirked and began to walk towards a huge beach house. "Holy-"
"Welcome to casa de la Gaskarth." I giggled and smiled brightly. "Your house is huge! Where are your parents?" I ask as we walk inside,the view of the ocean enchanting me in it's beauty. " They're back in Baltimore." I frowned and turned to face him again. "They let you come out here all alone? Wouldn't they miss they're precious baby Lexy?" He laughed and walked towards the kitchen,me following closely behind him. I definitely didn't want to get lost in here. It'd be an expedition just to find the damn bathroom. "They pay for the house and the bills for it. I'm going to college here so it's cool that i'm here alone. I might be 19 but i can handle myself." I nod and sit on the bar stool. "Aren't you from England though?" He smirked and raised a brow,leaning his elbows on the breakfast bar. "And how would you know that?" I blushed and shrugged. "Just h-heard it around the beach that's all." Alex chuckled and grabbed two waters from the fridge. "Yeah,i'm from England. But my heart's in B-more. My parents moved us to there when i was,like,seven." I nodded and he handed me one. "Shouldn't you have a sexy english accent?" He laughed and shrugged. "I'm already sexy enough. Who needs an accent to get girls when you look like this?" Alex made a weird face and i busted out laughing. "True. You win." He chuckles. "What about you,little miss curiosity? Where you from?" I smile and sip some water. "Here. Born and raised Hawaiian." He smiled and his eyes sparked. "That's so awesome." I laugh and shrug. "I guess so." Alex quickly grabs my hand and dragged me outside to the shed. "Umm..did we reach the crazy-psychopath-killer scene yet?" I ask. He laughed and stopped in front of the door. "Not yet. That comes later." He wiggled his eyebrows jokingly and i giggled. "No one's ever seen this before. But i feel like...i feel like i can trust you with this." I smiled wide and nodded. "You can." He smiles back before opening the door. I walk inside but am instantly at a loss for words. It was all so...unique. "Woah,.." Alex stepped beside me and nodded. "Yeah,it used to be all around my room but now it's here." Pictures of legendary surfers,singers,bands,poets-you name it were hung everywhere. Under those were stacks and stacks of CDs,a box of un-opened office supplies,hung up surfboards,dozens of trophies,a computer and a journal. Across from that hung a huge map of Neverland that i could help but smile at. He definitely was like Peter Pan. That's when i glanced over behind me to see a poster of my mom and a signed surfboard by her underneath it. "Y-you met-"

"Maxi Trench? Yeah,she was rad. When she passed her legend stayed. She was the first female surfer that actually held a winning competition streak." I wiped away a few tears and smiled. "Yeah,she was pretty great....she was an even better mom." Alex frowned. "She had a kid?" I smiled a bit. "Yeah,..her kid was actually the reason why she's gone. The day she died was the day that she took her kid out to teach her to surf. That day Maxi made the mistake of not checking the weather reports. Her kid was nagging her about going out and surfing so there wasn't enough time. When they got to the beach M-maxi went out to surf and her kid went with her. They w-were having so much fun that d-day. Halfway through the lesson,it started to stom horribly. So Maxi told her k-kid to go back to the b-beach,which she did safely. But when Maxi was going to follow,s-she was knocked off h-her board. They say that she hit a reef and d-died of too much blood-loss. My mom died when i was ten." I cried out and felt Alex hug me tightly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that was your mom." I shook my head and cried more. "S-she didn't want t-the bad publicity o-of it so she kept me a secret." Alex played with my hair until my breathing was normal again. Once i was done crying,he let go and handed me a towel. "What about your dad?" I sighed and wiped my face. "He barely comes around anymore. The only time that he does is to criticize my surfing. That day that we met,the tournament,was the last time i've seen him in weeks." Alex frowned and wrapped a arm around my shoulders,bringing me close to his chest. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "So i realized you called me handsome earlier." I looked up to see him jokingly wink down at me. I laughed and hit his chest playfully. "Don't get too conceited,Lex. I could always take back the compliment." He rolled his eyes. "Pfft-suree you would. Admit it,you totally want me." I giggled and sarcastically mumbled,"Oh yeah,sure." That day,i knew that Alex was always going to be there for me. And i felt the same way.

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