Chapter Five

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It was the day of me and Zack's big show down and i was freaking out. I haven't seen or heard from Jess since that day at the beach and i was worried shitless. When i walk up on the beach,searching for my idiot competitor,i see Alex sitting on the beach and looking out at the water. I smiled slightly and walked up beside him and sat down. "Hey,loser!" I tease and he laughs,rolling his eyes. "Hey,Mi-mo." I smiled brightly and giggled. I remember the day that i told him about my mom. How close we had gotten is so...incredible. "Whatcha' up to?" He shrugged and looked back at the water. "Nothing much. Just thinking." I nudged him and respond with,"Penny for your thoughts." He chuckled and played with a pile of sand as the water crashed lightly on our feet. "It's nothing,really. Just...there's this girl-" I squealed and fan-girled on the inside. This is it! "Oooh! Lexy's got a crush." I tease and poke his sides,his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. "Yeah,yeah. I-i really like her. I met her when i first got here and she was so awesome! But the more we hung out,the more i realised that i like her way more than a friend.." Holy shit. He likes me?! "..i just don't know how to ask her out. If she'd even say yes but i doubt she likes me." He chuckled and i smiled. "I'm sure she would and does." Alex smiled brightly and looked over at me,excitedly. "Really?! You think so?" I nodded and giggled. He really was adorable. "What's she like? Maybe i can help. Ya' know,being a girl and all." Alex nods and looks up at the sky in thought and wonder. "Well,she's amazing. She's beautiful,she's smart,she's funny,she gives the best hugs-she's just..amazing." I smiled down at my my hands. "Yeah,you should totally ask her out! I can tell she likes you just as much as you like her." He smiled wide and jumped up. "Thanks,Mi-mo! I'll do it right now." My eyes shut as i listened to him ruffle around in his pocket. "..Hey,Lisa!...Yeah,it's Alex..i was wondering if you wanted to,like,go out to the movies or something today?.." My eyes flashed back open and my heart dropped. Of course it wasn't me! How could i actually think a guy like that would like a girl like me. "..Awesome!..yeah,today's great!..i'll pick you up in ten!..Okay,see ya'." Once he hung up,he smiled down at me and took a deep breath out. I felt the need to plaster on a fake smile and pretend that the call didn't affect me but it was harder than i thought it would be. "Thanks,Mia! You're the best sister a guy could ask for!" Hm,sister-zoned. The epitome of friend-zones. I stood up and he hugged me tightly,me nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. "Yeah, problem." He let go and ran off and i sighed. "You idiot. I want to be your girlfriend. Not your 'sister'."

"Hey,Range!" I jumped and turned around,seeing Zack walk up with Dex. "It's time." He had a black eye and a few bruises on his arms that made me smirk. Looks like he got what he deserved. "Okay. My gear's in my truck. Tell me where it's gotta be and i'll drive there." He smirked at Dex over his shoulder. "Where's Jess and Alex? Finally leave you for a better option?" His words cut through me like lemon juice in a paper cut but i pretended not to notice his comment. "Doesn't matter. Are we gonna do this or not?" His smirk grew into a sadistic grin and he nodded,walking towards the parking lot. "Just follow my car." I rolled my eyes and walked to my truck,hopping in and tailing behind his car. I don't need them. I don't need them. I can do this. As night fell, we finally made it to our destination. We were in the most dangerous part of Hawaii for surfing,Hanauma Bay. This place had the highest amount of drowning and i was scared shitless. Zack hopped over the gate and i threw my surfboard over. "What's wrong,Range? You can always drop out-" I glared at him and hopped over the gate. "No. Let's do this." He smirked and Dex grabbed Zack's board. "That's what i like to hear!"


As we sat and waited for the waves to pick up,i tried to focus. You can do this,Mia. Come on. You can do this. I nodded to myself and quickly paddled out to the first wave,letting it pass and focusing on the next one. I had to do this. For my mom. She would want for me to win this,right? I know she would. I grabbed the necklace that she gave me the day she died and closed my eyes for a second,taking a deep breath. I have to do this. I have to do this...can i do this? "Hey! LOOK OUT!" I snapped out of it and my eyes flashed open wide as i stared at the 10 foot wave in front of me. "SHIT!" I tried to quickly swim away but it was too late. The next thing i saw was darkness and all i heard was white noise as clear as day,ringing in my ear.

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