Love, As Such

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Rose wasn't sure if what she was feeling was real. Surely she couldn't be safe in the Doctor's arms when not long ago she'd been a prisoner in her own mind? Surely this was just her imagination.

The Doctor seemed to sense her doubt and gently placed a kiss on the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her sweet hair. His hearts swarmed in the love he felt for this blonde human from London, the one he found he could never let go. 

Rose realised, as she felt the soft press of his lips, he was really there and she was really in his arms. She snuggled closer into his warm chest, and breathed in his masculine scent that sent a wave of pleasure through her mind. She could never be happier than she was now, safe in her love's arms. The man- Time Lord- who had nearly broken when he almost lost her.

One question still remained in her mind: Did he truly love her, or was it simply the fact that he almost lost a close friend that he felt that way? When they returned to their life in the TARDIS, would he still feel the same? Would he love her, really

Rose realised a voice was booming over the speakers. "...repeat, Crusader 50, rescue vehicle coming alongside in three minutes, door-seals set to automatic. Prepare for boarding, repeat, prepare for boarding."

Rose looked up at the Doctor's handsome and worried face. 

"The hostess." He said, looking up at the others in the room. She couldn't make herself look at them. She felt a twisting in her stomach at the thought of their betrayal. She couldn't look at their faces right now. "What was her name?" Rose felt the rumble of the Doctor's voice through his chest, which she was still pressed against. His words were no where near as comforting as the sound of his voice. 

"...I don't know," the Professor all but whispered. 

Rose felt anguish at the thought of the hostess, who had died for Rose. Rose sniffled, trying to hold back the fresh wave of tears as she hid her face in the warmth of the Doctor's chest. He tried to ignore how soaked his shirt became, as he knew Rose needed her time. 


Rose was joyous to feel the real ground under her feet. She didn't, however express this outwardly. She appeared emotionless despite her red-rimmed eyes. The Doctor worried about her, knowing she was having a hard time with all that was resting on her shoulders. 

When they reached the TARDIS, he swiftly took off and set them to drift in the middle of no where. Rose watched silently from the worn down seat with a bright red, cozy blanket wrapped round her shoulders. He smiled a sad smile at her and joined her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head on his shoulder. 

After several minutes of silence, the Doctor heard Rose's pained voice speak over the small noises the TARDIS made. "The hostess... she died for me." A sob shook her shoulders and the Doctor pulled her into a side hug, while kissing her head. 

"I will forever regret her death. It will always haunt me. However, I will also be forever grateful to her. She saved you, Rose. She knew what she was doing, and she wanted to do it. I doubt we would've gotten through to the others any other way. Her death will always haunt us both, but you must keep in mind that it wasn't your fault. None of it. It was that creature's fault. That awful creature. I am so glad I did not lose you." The Doctor took a deep breath. "I don't know what I would've done if I had."

"I heard you," Rose whispered. "You were screaming for me. You were in such pain. I felt your pain, and it hurt." She looked up into his handsome brown eyes at this, mesmerised by the worlds she could see within them. But also, the pain. "You said... You said you loved me. Is this true?"

A grin suddenly lit up his magnificent face, and he laughed. "Oh, my Rose Tyler. I did love you. I have loved you since I saw you in that basement in your old life. Before I had time to utter the word 'Run', I knew I had found someone I could love. I still love you now, more than you could ever know. And I will go on loving you forever. All I can hope is that you won't leave me after this. Please stay? I don't deserve you, but I need you. I promise to keep you safer and protect you from all the bad-" He started in surprise as her lips attacked his in a passionate kiss that soon devoured his being. He found himself quickly entwined in her, as he deepened the kiss and slipped his hands into her luscious hair. God, he loved her hair. He loved her lips, he loved the beat of her singular heart. He loved everything wonderful thing about her, and knew this would forever be true. 

After a long, long time, he managed to pull away. She smiled up at his, breathing heavy. Her shoulders rose up and down at a rapid pace, reminding him of all the wonders he had just experienced in a few (well, maybe more than a few, but that was beside the point) kisses. "Doctor," she muttered, her eyes filled with the love she felt within herself.

"Rose," he said back in a teasing manner. 

She leaned away a bit, in a more proper seating position. "You're not that bad of a kisser." She mocked him, with a small smirk adorning her face. 

"That bad? That bad?! I'll have you know, I'm a wonderful kisser." He pretended to be angry, with a slight grin. Rose giggled. 

"Sure." She said, giggling again. 

"Oh, I'll prove it to you then." Her eyes lit up and she squealed when he suddenly stood and picked her up bridal style. He confidently strode towards his room. Upon arriving (thankfully the TARDIS helped him get their quickly by shortening the hallways), he threw her on the bed and began to prove to her how great of a kisser he was. 


When he was done, she had to agree, he was a magnificent kisser. Never mind the rest.


Although their love for one another had been uncovered, Rose didn't allow herself the luxury of forgetting. She talked through most of it with her new fiance, and that seemed to ease some of the pain her "possession" had left behind. 

She finally began to heal. And she was looking forward to a bright future with the Doctor. She knew it would be plentiful and very happy. 

As a last goodbye, the Doctor took Rose to the memorial service for the hostess. Afterward, she visited the small statue set up by anonymous donors in recognition of the hostess's braveness. She wiped her tears away and left a letter by the base. 


Dear Halley Fairfax, 

                        You are the bravest person I know. You are forever in mine and the Doctor's debt. As time flows, people will forget. But not us. We will remember you. You will not leave our thoughts.

          I am so very sorry for the loss you took, but I have come to accept that it was not my fault. I really hope you don't blame me. I can't keep living with that pain. 

         Halley, I am so glad to have finally found out your name. I know it will forever be etched into my heart. Your courage and bravery mean immense things to me and the Doctor. 

        Thank you so very much,

                    Rose Smith 


That's the end! Wow.

I'm super sorry for the late updates. School is finally coming to an end, but I still have a super busy summer. I am doing Summer Gov school which will be nearly the same as school lol. Please do forgive me for not updating when I say I will!

For now, I will not release anything new Doctor Who wise. My first update for the sequel to Tenrose Short Stories will be sometime in the coming month. In the mean time, I'm going to decide between some other stories I've been working on to publish.

Also, would anyone be interested in me posting my end of the year multi-genre research project on how sexism has affected sex trafficking?

Thanks to you all, my lovely readers! Keep being amazing!

With love,


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