Phase 4: Synchronise

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If you find any grammar, spelling, or mistakes in general, feel free to tell me. I won't be offended, I would be very grateful! Thanks :)

When the lights turned back on, everyone stopped talking. The lights weren't bright, not as they had been. Everyone turned off their torches.

When the hostess and Sky spoke, something tickled at the back of Rose's mind. She couldn't quite place it, however. "It's the back-up systems."

"Well! That's a bit better." Biff and Sky said. The hairs on the back of Rose's neck stood up. She studied Sky.

"What about the rescue, how long's it going to take?" Val and Sky asked.

"About sixty minutes, that's all." The hostess and Sky replied.

Noticing the tension still present in the situation, the professor and Sky said, "Then I suggest we all calm down. This panic isn't helping. And that poor woman is evidently in a state of self-induced hysteria,-" that was when Rose realized. Sky was no longer repeating. She was talking with everyone. She was synchronising. Rose felt fear sink into her chest and she desperately needed the Doctor's comfort. She reached her hand up and took his. "We should leave her alone."

"Doctor," Rose and Sky said. He looked down at her.

"I know." He and Sky said lowly.

"Doctor, Rose, now step back. I think you should leave her alone-" the professor and Sky said. He stopped when he saw Sky's face and realised himself. "What's she doing...? How can she do that?"

Val's face turned to horror. "But... She's talking with you-" Sky spoke along with her. "And with me! Oh my God! Biff, what's she doing?" Val sought out her husband's comfort.

"She's repeating at exactly the same time." Jethro and Sky said.

"That's impossible." Dee Dee and Sky whispered.

"....there's not even a delay." The Professor and Sky said.

"Ohh man, that is weird." Jethro and Sky said.

"Doctor, what's going on? Is she dangerous?" Rose and Sky asked.

Ignoring her questions, the Doctor and Sky said, "I think you should all be very, very quiet, have you got that?"

Val ignored that, panic evident in her voice and her tense body language surging through  and catching fire in everyone in the room. "How's she doing it?!?" Val and Sky asked.

"Mrs. Cane, please, be quiet-" the Doctor and Sky tried.

"But how can she do that?" Rose felt the tension and knew it would explode once again if nothing was done soon. She would do something, but she couldn't stop herself from keeping her eyes on Sky's eyes. They stared at one another. Rose felt cold, empty. She couldn't look away. "She's got my voice, she's got my words!"

Biff walked to his wife, holding her. "Sweetheart, be quiet, just... Hush now. Hush." He and Sky said. Then he looked at Sky. "She's doing it to me!"

"Just stop it, all of you. Stop it, please." The Doctor and Sky said. Everyone looked at him, quieting down. Rose still couldn't look away from Sky, as if an invisible hand was keeping her from doing it. The Doctor crouched down behind her, unaware of her situation. "Now then, Sky." He and Sky continued, staring at one another. Since Sky's gaze had left her own, Rose felt slightly unburdened and grabbed the Doctor's hand again. "Are you Sky? Is Sky still in there? Mrs. Silvestry?" The Doctor and Sky said. "You know exactly what I'm going to say, how are you doing that?" He and Sky said slowly. Suddenly, "Roast beef!... Bananas... The Medusa Cascade... BANG... Rose Tyler, Madame de Pompadour, TARDIS!... Shamble, bobble, dibble, dooble.... Oh Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes I am, thank you." Rose smiled at that one, suppressing a giggle, despite the tension in the air. "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O-" the Doctor stopped, hoping she'd say 'P'. She didn't speed ahead and kept right up with him.

The professor and Sky whispered, "She's synchronised."

The Doctor was crouched behind Rose, leaning slightly forward in awe and fascination. Rose wished she could look at him, but she couldn't look away from Sky's face.

"First she repeats. Then she catches up. What's the next stage..?" The Doctor and Sky whispered in awe.

"Next stage of what?" Dee Dee and Sky asked cautiously.

"But that's not her, is it? That's not Mrs. Silvestry any more." Jethro and Sky said in speculation, somehow not helping the cold dread grabbing hold in Rose's heart.

"...I don't think so, no." Came the Doctor and Sky's reply.

Val put a hand to her mouth, sobbing noises escaping as her husband held her. Sky suddenly looked at her, a chilling half smile on her empty face. Sky made the sobbing noises in sync. Rose felt her breathing rate increase.

The Doctor stood up, looking around the room at the people there. "I think, the more we talk, the more she learns. Now, I'm all for education, but in this case... maybe not. Let's just... Move back. Come on. Come with me." The Doctor and Sky said. The Doctor reached for Rose's hand. She felt herself getting pulled into a void. She was aware of it, but she didn't know what it was. She felt her hand move up and grab the Doctor's, but didn't feel as if she were in control, as if it were an automatic reaction. As he helped her up, her gaze left Sky's face and suddenly the void was less impending and she was in control of herself. The Doctor headed for the back, guiding his lost Rose. "Everyone, get back, all of you, as far as you can." He and Sky commanded softly.

"Doctor, just make her stop." Val and Sky pleaded.

"Val, come on, with me, come to the back, stop looking at her, come on Jethro, you too, everyone, come on..." The Doctor and Sky gently nudged everyone to the back of the room. When they got there, the Doctor studied Rose for a second. Something was wrong, he just couldn't tell what.

And, oh boy, was he right.


I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner! The chapter has practically been done for weeks, I've just been putting it off, to be honest. One weekend was prom (it was amazing, I loved it! My boyfriend took me and we hung out with one of my friends and her date and it was great!), another I just didn't feel like being productive past my homework, I don't even know what happened during others. Spring break just finished up, which I was completely busy in, or sick. One of two occupied my time constantly this week.

So, once again, sorry for the wait!

I've noticed you guys aren't very interactive. Is there something I can do to increase your want to be involved?

Whenever I make promises like these, I have a hard time keeping them, but I really mean this one. It isn't a definite thing, but I will try! I promise to try to write more often, and once a week on the sort of schedule I had before.

Would it be easier if I set a day where I publish? I'd do my best to make each one. I don't know, you guys let me know preferences.

Thank you all, lovelies!

Sorry for the wait!

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