Phase 6: Lost

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This can't be happening. No, no, no! Please let Rose be okay!

"Hold on, did she just...?" Dee Dee trailed off, staring at Sky with a mix of awe and something that resembled fear.

"She spoke first." Jethro commented, a similar expression upon his face.

"She can't have." Val looked more horrified than anything else.

"She did!" The professor said.

"She spoke first!" Jethro exclaimed.

"Oh look at that," Sky said.

"Oh look at that," Rose spoke in a repeat.

"I'm ahead of you." Sky finished.

"I'm ahead of you." Rose finished. Their words were so jumbled that the Doctor had a hard time following.

Doctor! Rose was somewhere she had never been. Deep, deep within her own mind. She felt as if hundreds and hundreds of layers of memories and dreams were in the way of being in control of herself. She felt another, malevolent presence. Sky. She found that she could still feel her outer, real body, but almost in a dream state fashion.

"Did you see?" Rose heard a voice she thought was the professor's. "She spoke before Rose did! Definitely!"

Professor! Help me! She cried, despite knowing there was no possible way he would hear her from her own mind.

"Rose is copying her now." Jethro analysed.

Jethro? Can't you see what she's doing? Stop her!

"Rose...? What's happening?" The professor implored.

Rose fought the presence but there was no way she could get out of Sky's hold. So she closed her imaginary eyes and took an imaginary deep breath before opening her eyes again.

She was in a green pasture, somewhere from a dream she'd had a year after beginning to travel with the Doctor.

"I think it's moved." Sky spit out, jerkily.

"I think it's moved." Rose felt her real body repeat.

"I think it's letting me go." Sky nearly gasped. Rose knew it wasn't really Sky, however.

"I think it's letting me go." Rose copied.

Rose felt herself growing weaker. What was happening? If it was still in control of Sky, why did it need Rose? For her knowledge? No, that didn't make sense. Perhaps energy? That makes a lot more sense.

She turned around in her field and saw her Doctor standing behind her. "Rose," he said. "I love you. I've loved you since I first met you."

She cried out in her mind when the ground opened up and sucked her into the time vortex, spinning her around and around until it shot her into a gigantic ballroom.

The Doctor, the real one, was beginning to panic a lot. It was clear that Sky was getting stronger and Rose weaker. He saw right through the trick it was trying to pull. He knew that it was using Sky to gain everyone's trust, and then take over their bodies as well. What could he do?

When in doubt, he told himself. Sonic it.

He pulled out the pen shaped device, getting suspicious glares from the others as he stood and looked at Sky.

"What are you doing?" The professor asked suspiciously.

"I'm checking to see if it's really let Sky go." The Doctor replied.

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