Phase 7: Destruction

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"I will! You watch me! I'm gonna throw her out!" Biff said taking a step forward.

The Doctor took a step and met Biff where he was, pointing a finger in the man's chest. "You stay back from her. She's the only thing that keeps me fighting sometimes and the only thing that is currently keeping you alive. And you really don't want to see what I'd do if... If you killed the woman I love."

There was a pause, and the Doctor thought his words had hit where he intended. Then his hopes crashed to the ground when Biff said, "Shall we throw him out as well?"


"Yes!" Shouted Sky.

"Yes!" Copied Rose.

"Throw them out!"

"Throw them out!"

"Get rid of them!" The venom in Sky's voice nearly sent a shiver down the Doctor's back. He'd taken a step back from Biff, in shock. How was this even possible?

"Get rid of them!" At the sound of Rose's voice, the Doctor reminded himself that it didn't matter. No matter what, he would protect his Rose. That thing was using her, not controlling her. He had to save her, even if it meant smacking sense into these idiots.

"Now!" Cried Sky.


Suddenly Biff closed the gap between himself and the Doctor, attempting to move past him towards Rose.

"Don't!" Dee Dee cried.

"It'll be you next!" Val cried.

"Don't you dare." The Doctor said with venom, as he quickly manoeuvred so he was between the man and Rose. Biff looked at him incredulously, before punching the Doctor in the face.

The Doctor stumbled back, shocked. This couldn't be happening. His senses were jarred, and in that second, Biff had grabbed the Doctor and shoved him to the side. Biff grabbed Rose's stiff body before the Doctor could blink. The Doctor went to take a step forward, but found Jethro was holding him back. "Let go of me!" He bellowed. Jethro didn't respond, looking down. The Doctor thrashed around, yelling for Biff to stop as he dragged Rose down the aisle.

"Rose!" Jethro had to tighten his grip once again as the Doctor fought against his hold.

"Dad, a bit of help, yeah?" Jethro cried. Biff set Rose down none too gently and punched the Doctor again. The Doctor felt dizzy as more blood ran down from his undoubtedly broken nose. Biff went back to hauling Rose down the aisle.

"Someone do something!" The Doctor cried, nearly hysterical. He was beginning to feel helpless, and he realised how close he was to losing his Rose.

The hostess suddenly took a step forward. "I don't think we should do this-"

"It was your idea!" Biff cried.

"You thought of it!" Val added.

The hostess shut up, backing down. She was now standing halfway down the cabin.

When Biff noticed Rose was too stiff for him to move on his own, he called for help. The Doctor thought he would be sick. He fought to get out of the tight grip even more. "Professor!" Biff said. "Help me!"

The professor was obviously terrified. "I can't... I'm not..."

"What sort of a man are you? Come on!" Biff yelled.

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