Phase 2: Infiltrate

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The Doctor landed in between two sets of seats when the small space suddenly stopped throwing him about. He waited half a second, until he was sure they wouldn't rock around anymore. He jumped up, and scanned the room. It was a mess. Things were thrown about, the back corner wall was crushed slightly, and the front seats were torn up, all around Sky...

The Doctor decided that would be the first thing he investigated after checking after the health of the other passengers and himself. "Arms, legs, neck, head, nose. I'm fine, everyone else?"

That's when he saw Rose. All other thoughts left his mind. She was lying in the middle aisle, on her back, unconscious. "Rose!"

He ran toward her, his Rose.

She was breathing. Good. Her heart rate was even. Good. She still wasn't waking up. Not good.

The Doctor felt around to see if she had any injuries, and discovered she had a bump forming on the back of her head. She must've hit it while the ship was going crazy.

He pulled out his sonic and pointed it at her. From what he could tell, she would be alright. It wasn't anything too serious. He let out a sigh of relief.

He kissed her forehead lightly and her eyes fluttered open upon the contact of his lips. "Doctor?" Her voice was rough and scratchy. "What happened?" She tried sitting up, but was noticeably dizzy, so he pushed her back onto the floor.

"You must've hit your head in the chaos." The Doctor replied, grinning like a man who just won the lottery. He was so happy she was okay.

Rose's eyes flickered from his face to one of the screens in the ceiling. The song from earlier was flickering back and forth, creating an eery soundtrack for the dark room. She shivered slightly, then told the Doctor she was ready to stand.

He helped her get up and get her balance. Once it was attained, he addressed the rest of the group. Rose tried to dismiss the thoughts his arm around her waist caused, but she couldn't get rid of them. She bit her lip and listened to the Doctor's voice. "How are we? Everyone alright?"

The Professor was standing up and commented, "...earthquake... Must be..." Rose could tell he was trying to convince himself as much as the others.

By now, everyone was righted. Except... "That's impossible, the ground is fixed, it's solid." Dee Dee denied the Professor.

"Doctor." Rose whispered, her gaze locked on a figure in the corner.

"Hold on, Rose." He replied.

"Don't tell me what's possible!" The professor snapped back at his student. She looked a bit flabbergasted. The Doctor felt a flicker of annoyance at the professor's arrogance.

The Hostess spoke up from the front of the dark cabin. "We've got torches, everyone. Take a torch, they're in the back of the seats..." She sounded as if she was desperately trying to take control of the forming chaos.

Rose wasn't paying attention to any of it, however. As the rest of them grabbed a torch, she approached the crouched figure in the corner, feeling her alarms going off, but still going forward.

"Sky?" She whispered as she reached the figure. It was Sky, crouched facing the crumbled wall.

By now, Rose wasn't the only one who had noticed the woman. Jethro was watching Rose's approach.

"Oh sweetheart, come here..." Val was saying, approaching her son.

"Never mind me, what about her?" He gestured toward Sky.

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