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This isn't good. Not at all. The Blood Drinkers are here and soon there's going to be a war.

"I thought we'd have at least a month before they attack," mutters David, his face scrunched up in anger and confusion. A tightness grips my stomach making me feel sick.

"We aren't ready. Not yet. We can't fight like this. We'll lose," continues David. I realize he's talking to no one in particular. He's scared. I am too. I'm weak, I don't know how to fight.

David seems to notice and puts a hand in front of me. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." I feel the color rush to my cheeks. I feel so useless. "Thank you," I whisper. I feel his hand slip around mine. He's here for me. And I know I have to be there for him. No matter what.


I notice the group of slowly approaching us. I grip David's hand tighter. So hard it must've hurt. But if it had, David didn't show it. He looks to me and smiles. I manage a weak smile back.

Then I notice the group of Blood Drinkers slowly approaching us. I tug at David's sleeve and his head jerks in the group's direction. Their eyes dig into me as they catch our stare.

I begin to see shadows emerging from behind the trees behind the group. "They're all here," mumbles David. Oh no. Not all of them. There's no way we could beat them now.

As if reading my mind, the Blood Drinkers spring. Two wolves connect with a Midnight Howler and roll onto the ground, tackling them. Another three charge towards us. They're after David.

I push his hand away from me. I inhale slowly. Then I focus. I focus with all my might. I can feel my inner wolf eager to shift. This time, I let it change me.

I feel my back begin to slowly arch over, my hands changing into claws and my teeth stretching into fangs. I feel no pain this time. I feel...in control.

I look up to face the battle, my wolf eyes gleaming in the moonlight. I feel brand new.

I dash towards the battle, bringing with me, a new wolf.


I clash into a young male, sending him sprawling in the air. He connects with a tree and falls to the ground, unconscious. I smirk. Being bitten by the alpha must give me extra strength. I attack another wolf, sinking my fangs into its side, making it howl in pain.

To my left, I see a smoke, gray wolf, clawing at the enemies. David. His coat shines in the dim light and his eyes glow. I quickly turn my attention back to the wolf beneath my feet, refusing to let myself be distracted. It isn't moving so I got off it slowly and moved onto another wolf.

I claw and bite and any Blood Drinker in sight. Then I see Alex. A Blood Drinker had him pinned to the ground. Blood was oozing out of him left shoulder. I need to help him.

I dash towards him and my right shoulder connects with the Blood Drinker, throwing it off Alex. The young wolf pants his thanks and I smile in return. Then his face darkens. "Aura watch out!" he cries. But it's too late.

I feel a body smash against my back, throwing my off my feet and onto the cold ground. I hear a crack of bones and pain rises in my right ankle. I open my eyes and meet those of a Blood Drinker. They held hunger.

I gulp and it smirks. "You're the future Luna of this useless pack are you?" it asks, the smirk on its face widening. I feel anger boiling in my veins and the want to punch it square, in the snout.

"I'm not the future Luna of this pack, wherever you heard that from, and this pack isn't useless. If anything, this pack has more heart than all the blood your pack has dried!" I yell into its face. It pulls back, clearly shocked. "You have a sharp tongue, Luna."

Then it rears back and reveals its fangs, saliva dripping down across its jaw. Oh no. It's going to end me. It strikes for my uncovered neck and I squeeze my eyes shut.

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