Darkness and Pain

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"Hello?" I shout.

There's no one there. Nothing. It's dark all around me and I can't make out a thing. Everything's pitch black.

A loud howl causes me to spin around. The howl came from somewhere within the woods. I know I should be home, in bed, but I had to investigate, had to find out who or what was making that noise. So I picked up my feet and stalked into the woods.

It was quiet at first, no sounds and no sign of light anywhere. I'd been walking for some time before I hear the howl again. It sounds a lot closer this time. I'm getting close.

I put my hand up against the thick bark of a tree and used it to guide me, letting my hand slide against the trees as I walk. I notice a stream of light ahead of me and pick up my pace.

I turn to face the light and what I see sends a shiver up my spine. My whole body becomes numb with fear. The creature crouched before my eyes howls again, it's long snout pointed towards the bright moon. As it howls it's pupils suddenly jerked from facing the moon, to me.

My heart freezes. I can't get air into my lungs and I struggle to stand, falling against the tree beside me. The creature holds the stare as it begins trudging towards me.

Its back is hunched over. Its fangs are bared and claws are out. If that thing wants to, it could kill me with one single bite.

As it creeps closer, I instinctively go for my phone, in my pocket. I slide my hand through the opening and feel around, not taking my eyes of the creature, until my fingertips eventually find something cold and hard. I reach a bit further down and grab my phone, slowly slipping it out of my pocket. The creature didn't seem to notice so I was safe. For now.

I use one hand and feel for the home button, finding it and quickly pressing it down. A bright light flashes behind me back and the creature jerks back with surprise. I fumble with my phone, opening the camera and lifting it up, directly above my face.

That's when it lunged. Its claws flash out and saliva drips from its now visible gums and down its fangs. My thumb lands on the camera button and the photo snaps.

But that was all I saw because what comes after is all a blur. I feel the creature land on me, throwing me to the ground and knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasp, pain flooding my body. Then I feel a stab of pain in my right shoulder. I could feel blood oozing from the wound, soaking my sky blue t-shirt.

The pain was overwhelming. My whole body begins to ache and I can't take it anymore. I can feel the darkness, threatening to take over. So I let it. I let the darkness consume me. Before I pass out though, I feel the weight lift off my stomach and the air rush back into my lungs, leaving me breathing evenly again. I hear a couple of trees rustle as the creature is swallowed by the darkness.

Then there is nothing.

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