The Attacker Was Him?

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Tears start to well up in my eyes, a few sliding down my cheek. "Hey, honey, it's ok," soothes my father. "No it's not," I reply. "I've read stories about them, dad. When the moon is full again, I'll turn into one of them."

My father looks down at the ground, speechless. I know that it is hard to calm someone who had been bitten by a werewolf. I mean, a werewolf? Everyone thought they only existed in books and stories. Even me.

But then I had seen one just the night before. At least, my parents are convinced it is a werewolf. It did look a lot like the ones in the stories though.

I shake my head. "I don't believe it. It can't be a werewolf, they're not real!" I cry. Tears start falling again. "I don't want to become one of them. I don't want to be a werewolf."

My mother sits down on the bed, which I realize now is a hospital bed, and hugs me tightly, pulling my head into her arms. I bury my face against her shoulder and cry. I cry long and hard. It was such a scary feeling: becoming a werewolf.

I pull away from my mum once I finish crying. "Honey, look, will it make it better if we go to the local library and research werewolves so you can at least know what they're like?" asks my dad. I nod, still sniffling. "Ok," says my father.

The nurse comes back in to check on me, giving me the all clear. I'm good to go home.


As my dad drives, he turns a corner towards local library. The car comes to a stop. I open my door and slip out of the car. My feet land flat on the ground. I hook my arms with my parents, one on each side, and walk into the library.

The library was quite like usual, apart from a couple of people sitting at a table, chatting. We head towards the front counter, where a boy, probably a year or two older than me, stood.

We walk up to him and he looks up from the book he was reading. He had bright green eyes and his golden locks of hair fell evenly around his face. He smiles and I smile back, feeling my cheeks go red.

"Can I help you?" he asks. "Yeah. Could you tell us where we could find books on werewolves?" asks my dad. "Of course, sir," the boy replies. "Thank you, uh.." my father pauses. "David," the boy replies. "Thank you, David," says my dad, finishing of his sentence. David smiles again, turning his attention, surprisingly, towards me.

He leads us down an aisle with books on both sides. I look up and down in wonder. There are so many books. My parents find some books on werewolves and open them, scanning the pages. I'm a few meters away, inspecting the books in the aisle. I was so distracted that I didn't notice David walking towards me, until he put a hand on my shoulder.

I jump up with surprise, spinning around with such speed I surprised myself. I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, holding him down. "Woah, chill Aura, it's just me," he says, no sign of pain on his face. "Oh, sorry," I say, quickly releasing him before my parents saw me.

He straightens his back and dusts down his shirt. "I see your werewolf instincts are already kicking in," he says, a smirk on his face. "Werewolf in-Wait. How did you know that I was bitten by a werewolf? How did you even know my name?"I ask, a sudden
feeling of suspicion rising. Was he the one that attacked me? Could it be? The attacker was him?

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