I Thought They Were Just A Myth

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I can hear voices. I can't make out any words but I can hear voices. They sounded like my parents. Oh no! They must've found me missing and went to look for me.

I manage to open one eye. My parents were hovering over me, worried expressions on their faces. "Oh Aura, we're so happy. You're finally awake," cries my mother as she notices my one open eye. She throws her arms around me, embracing me tightly. "Hey mum," I say, my body aching. My father joins the hug.

"What happened?" I ask once we pull apart. "We couldn't find you in your room so we went out to look for you," my father begins. "We found you unconscious on the other side of the woods." I couldn't believe it. How did I manage to get there?

Then the creature flashed back into my mind. Then I remembered the creature'd attacked me. My phone! "Did you guys find my phone?" I ask, excitement and fear bubbling in my veins. "Oh yeah, we did. It was on the ground next to you," replies my father, handing the phone to me.

I unlock my phone and hurriedly check my photos. There it was; the newest photo on my phone. I slowly click on it, my fingers trembling. It flashed up onto my screen. I could see the full moon, the trees. But right in the center was the thing I was looking for. The creature. I got it.

Its fangs were bared and claws visible on its outstretched arms. It looked hideous now that I have the time to study it more carefully. Its pupils were wide and dark. But instead of the normal white of a human eye, the creature had red, surrounding the dark pupils, making it look more vicious.

"What is it honey?" asks my dad. "It's nothing," I lie, shaking my head. "Something isn't right. Please tell us honey," replies my mum. I sigh. "Ok. I was attacked last night by this...creature," I say, holding up my phone for them to see. I can see their eyes widen and their mouths gape. "What is it?" I ask, unable to wait any longer, lowering my phone onto my lap.

My mum and dad exchange glances. My mum nods and my dad leans down and whispers into my ear. I pull back, shocked. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods. "No denying it." My hand goes to my shoulder.

"I thought they were just a myth."

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