Chapter 3: I Will Never Leave You

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Louis's POV

While Liam is sleeping I just sit there thinking. I'm so mad at Zayn. How could he do this to someone as perfect as Liam he doesn't deserve him I can be so much better. I was fuming now I'm going to Zayn's flat and talk to him.

I picked Liam up bridal style and went upstairs. I tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead. I picked up my phone and called Harry.

" Hello " Harry said

" Harry. I need you to come watch Liam " I said sounding mad.

" Why? What's wrong Lou? " Harry said concerned.

" Zayn cheated on Liam with this girl Perrie and he's heartbroken. I'm worried about him. So i need you to watch him while I go talk to Zayn " I said

" How could Zayn do that. Well I'm on my way Louis " Harry said

" Ok. Bye and thanks " I said hanging up.

I left Liam a note saying I'll be right back and Harry is coming. I left it on the bed side table and went out the door. I drove down the road pretty fast. Zayn is so gonna get it.

I arrived at Zayn's house since it was a few minutes away.

I went to the door and unlocked it with the spare key. I saw Zayn sitting on the couch watching T.V.. I stormed over to him. My face probably looking red cause I was so angry .

" Oh hey Louis " Zayn said casually

Really Zayn you just cheated on Liam and you don't feel a least bit guilty.

" Don't hey Louis me you son of bitch " I said

" Woah Louis why the temper " Zayn said

" Zayn, Liam saw you cheating on him with that girl Perrie. How vould you be so fucking heartless. He loved you,you don't deserve him. Do you know how heart broken he is he was crying his eyes out when he came to me Zayn. He loved you and you knew that but obviously you didnt care. He deserves so much better than you, you cheating ball of shit " I said

" He saw that " Zayn said dumbly.

" Did you hear a word I said Zayn. You know what I don't care if you heard me or not but I do know is that you better not touch him or go near him or you won't live to see the next daylight " I said and stormed out of his house.

Harry's POV

I arrived at Louis's flat. I saw Louis drive off. So I guess he was on his way to Zayn's house. I walked in with the spare key Louis gave me. I ran upstairs too Louis's room. I saw Liam crying his eyes out. He looked up when he saw me.

" Harry " He called helplessly

" Aww Liam " I said and ran over hugging him while he cried in my chest.

" H-Harry how could he do this I loved him " Liam said sobbing.

" Shhhh Liam. Zayn was a Jerk. He wasnt right for you. The right person will come when it's time " I said comforting him

" I dont want anyone else. I just want Zayn " Liam said crying .

I rocked him back and forth shushing him.

" Where's Louis. I want Louis " Liam said

' He's on his way Liam " I said

" NOO. I WANT HIM NOW WHERE'S LOUIS " Liam screamed hypervinalating .

Oh no. He's having a panic attack.

I quickly called Louis.

" Hello " He said

" Louis hurry Liam is having an panic attack cause your not here " I said

' Im almost there " Louis said

" hurry " I said hanging up.

'" Shush Liam he's on his way " I said shushing him

He kept sobbing

Louis POV

I ran in my flat and ran up the stairs. I come in and Liam was screaming my name. while Harry was trying to comfort him.

" Liam I'm right here " i said going over to him and hugging him

" I thought you left me " He said sobbing

" I would never leave you Liam " I said

It was true I could never leave Liam he was my everything and I love him. I just hope one day he could see that.

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