Chapter 16: Surprise

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Liam's POV

I couldnt get much sleep last night and no not because of something bad, I just couldnt wait to get home and spend time with Louis. I still want to know how i got in the hospital cause my parents had work and they didnt get off till 6 because i remember that I did it at 1. Louis still doesnt know why I did I just couldnt tell him while everyone was in the room and I didnt want to bring the mood down so I simply kept my mouth shut about what happened. The doctors already checked me up and said when someone got here I could leave so now I was just waiting.
After a while of me just sitting there and thinking. I heard the door open and someone come in.
I looked up hoping it was Louis but I was met with a pair of green eyes staring at me smiling.
"Hey Li. Ready to go?" Harry asked.
I nodded.
"Harry wheres Louis?" I said sounding a bit dissapointed that he wasnt here.
"Hes planning a surprise for you" I was about to ask what but Harry cut me off like he knew I was about to ask that question." Before you ask what is it, I cant tell its a surprise and I really dont want to meet a sassy Louis when we get home. But I will tell you that your spending a day with me" Harry said.
I nodded pouting.
He just laughed and ruffled my hair leaving me to get changed.
Its not that I didnt want to spend time with Harry because after all he is my best mate, its just i was really looking forward to spending some time with Louis because it seems like forever since I felt his touch.
I got dressed and picked up my phone going out the door. Me and Harry were walking in silence as we made our way to his car. I wanted to ask him how I got in the hospital but I didnt wanna kill the mood but without knowing it I asked.
"Harry how did i get in the hospital" I asked hesitantly.
He looked at me and sighed like he knew I was going to ask that.
'Well Louis figured out that you might be at your parents flat back here. So we bought plane tickets and took a cab to your house and we still had the spare key so we got in easily. So Louis and me were calling your name but we didnt get a response so I suggested we look in your room. And when we got up there we saw you passed out in the bathroom with blood surronding you" Harry said with a pained expression.
"Oh" I said.
It was all I can say. And I really hoped he wouldnt ask why I did it.
"Why Liam?" He asked looking at me with that same expression.
I looked down ashamed and turned towards the window.
"Harry can we not talk about it..... I want to tell Louis first before anyone but I promise ill tell you" I said
I heard him sigh and the engine start. I soon fell asleep to the sound of the humming engine.

Harry's POV

I looked back at Liam while I was driving and smiled. I hope he would tell me when he's ready, so I can help him with this. My sister Gemma was bullied and she started cutting so I helped her through it and now she's back on her feet and helping other kids who go through this.
I'm really happy for Louis. He finally got the love of his life and what he's doing for Li. Is really sweet. He's planning a surprise date for Liam and singing a song for him, that he has been working on for since Liam left. Ive heard a couple verses and its really good.
I pulled up to the amusement park, parked, and then shut the car off.
I shook Liam but he didnt even stir.
"Li?"I said shaking him
"Li, wake up"I said louder.

Liam's POV

"Li,wake up"Harry said.
I opened my eyes and rubbed them trying to get used to the sunlight. I looked around and saw that we were at my favorite Amusement park.
I looked at Harry and smiled widely.
"Thank you Harry" I said hugging him.
I haven't been here in ages, the last time I went here is when the band first got started.
"We'll c'mon Li"Harry said getting out the car.
I got out and shut the car door. I heard loads of screams coming from people on the rides.
I pulled Harry along as we went to go pay.
"Hi welcome to Wonder Ride Amusement Park" A teenager who looked about 18 with dirty blond hair and golden eyes said.
"Hi one ticket please" I said nicely.
The girl seemed to recognize my voice because she looked up and her eyes widened.
"Your Liam Payne and Harry Styles"She said excitedly.
I chuckled.
"Yes Love, we are"Harry said.
She started jumping up excitedly.
"Sorry. I hope your okay Liam" She said.
"I'm doing better love. Thanks for caring"I said genuinely smiling.
She smiled and gave us the two tickets.
I was about to give her the money but she declined.
"It's the least I can do for all that hate you've been getting"She said smiling.
"Thanks love" I said.
She nodded and me and Harry walked through the gates.
I could instantly smell the popcorn and cotton candy fill my nose.
"She was nice" Harry said
I nodded. Looking for a ride that I wanted to get on first.
"Oooo Harry can we get on the volcano first" I said jumping up and down.
Harry instantly paled when he saw the ride. Why did he take me then if he was scared?
"Don't you wanna get on something smaller Li" Harry said giving me a scared look.
I only chuckled at him and shook my head no.
I grabbed his arm and we headed towards the line.
A few girls that recognized us smiled and we waved at them giving polite smiles.
We waited in line for about an hour and then it was finally our turn.
Harry was pulling my arm trying to get me to turn back around.
I simply pulled him forward and we got in the ride, the guy pulled the bars down and we put on our seat-belts.
The ride started and as soon as we got to the top and then dropped back down, Harry started screaming like a little girl.
I laughed at him and enjoyed myself.
After a few more hours at the amusement park.
We finally left.
Harry was still pale from all the rides and I burst out laughing, he just gave me a death glare which only made me laugh more.
Harry chuckled.
"Well Li, time to go back to your lover and see your surprise"Harry said knowing I was ready to see Louis.
I nodded excitedly as we drove off.

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