Chapter 10: Half A Heart

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Louis POV

I sat there crying uncontrollably with the note hugging it to my chest. The guys were trying to calm me down but it didnt work. I could tell they wanted to cry to but they were trying to be strong for me but Niall wasn't holding onto well I could see tears flowing from his eyes.

"Louis everything is going to be okay" Harry said Half heartedly.

I started shaking my head violently.

"Nothing will ever be okay until I have my Liam back" I sobbed.

Harry looked at me sympathetically.

I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut not caring to lock it.

I laid on my bed and hugged Liam's pillow to my face. Which made me calm down a bit. But tears were still falling down my face. Soon I cried my self to sleep.

- 2 weeks later -

Harry's POV

We called and texted but Liam wouldn't answer and I'm worried about him but mostly Louis. I never seen him so broken like this. He won't come out his room and he hardly eats I have to literally force him. I'm so worried about him. This is all managements fault. If they wouldn't have said this to Liam then none of this would have happened. I felt myself getting angry.

"Harry" Niall called from beside me.

I hummed in reply to show him I was listening.

"Do you think Liam will ever come back? " Niall asked and I could tell he was about cry.

I hated to see Niall cry it was like kicking a puppy in the stomach.

I wrapped my arm around him and sighed.

" I don't know buddy. What management said really hurt Liam so I don't really know If he will. But we will do everything to find him" I said.

Niall nodded into my shoulder.

Louis POV

It's been 2 weeks since the love of my life disappeared. And I was so broken. Without Liam my whole world is falling apart. I'm half a heart without him. He brightened my day by just smiling and now he's gone. I've looked everywhere in LA but he wasn't there I even contacted some of his old mates that live here but they didn't know where he was.

But I wasn't going to give up that easily. I just got him and I won't stop till I find him.


Ello my lilo shippers.

Was it good? I hope it was.

It's kinda short but I just had to end it there.

The next chapter is going to be mainly Liam's POV.

Also I'm making a Larry story it's called "The Diary Of Harry Styles" so if you guys could check it out that would be awesome

So comment,vote tell me what you think.

Jade x

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