Chapter 13: Come Back

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Louis POV

We were now in the taxi heading to Liam's parents flat and I couldn't keep the huge grin off my face as we got closer and closer. I looked to see Harry smiling too.

We arrived at The Payne house and have the taxi driver some money and started walking up the path. We didn't bother ringing the door bell since we had a spare key since Liam's mom insist we have one and plus Liam's parents car wasn't here so.

We opened the door going in.

"Liam ?!?" I said calling out.

No answer.

I looked to Harry worriedly.

"Louis lets go in his room. He's probably just asleep" Harry said.

I nodded and followed after him.

Harry knocked and then opened the door. Liam wasn't in his bed but we saw Light illuminating from Liam's bathroom.

I was not expecting to see what I saw.

Liam was on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Liam" I said my voice breaking.

I felt my knees go weak and I broke down beside him not caring if blood got over me.

Harry's POV

I felt tears fall from my eyes. I can't believe Liam would do this to himself.

I called 911.

"What's the emergency" the lady said.

" My friend cut himself and he's on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding him. Please get here quick " I said sobbing.

" what's the address " the lady said.

"1458 Wolverhampton road" I said.

" ok the ambulance will be there in 5 mins make sure you try to stop the blood from his wound " the lady said.

I nodded even thought she couldn't hear me and hung up the phone.

I went and got some bandages and and stepped beside Louis and put it on Liam's wrist to stop the bleeding soon the ambulance showed up and took Liam away.

Out of nowhere Louis fell in my arms and started sobbing. I held him tight not caring that he had blood all over him.

"Do you want me to give you and your friend a ride to the hospital?" The officer asked.

I nodded. And we walked out to the car and got in driving to the hospital with Louis still sobbing in my arms..

We got there fast and I mumbled a faint thank you the the officer walking into the hospital.

"How may I help you?" The nurse said.

" Hi yes we're looking for Liam Payne" I said rather quickly.

" He is in room 103 around the corner. He's still in the operating room but they should be done shortly " she said.

I nodded and thanked her and we walked towards the room sitting in the waiting chairs.

Louis was still crying.

" hey Lou look at me" I said.

Louis looked up his eyes blood shot red with tear stains on his cheeks. I smiled sympathetically.

"Liam is a fighter Louis he will be alright. Ok? Have hope. " I said.

He nodded.

Louis POV

I couldn't stop crying. Liam was in hospital. I can't believe he would do this to himself. What could've drove him to the edge. If only i would have been there for him maybe this wouldn't have happened. We were still waiting for the doctors to give us some news

-1 hour later-

The doctor finally came to us I stood up quickly.

" Is he alright " I asked with hope in my eyes.

" There were some difficulties since he lost a lot of blood but the operation turned out fine but he is in a coma we don't know when he will wake up." The doctor said.

I sat there silent my baby was in a coma.

"Can we see him" I asked my voice cracking.

He nodded and patted me on the back.

Me and Harry stood outside his door with my hand on the door knob not ready to see Liam like this.

"C'mon Lou you can do it" Harry said reassuringly.

I nodded and opened the door my heart broke. Liam was a lot paler he had a million tubes hooked up to his body and there was a bandage covering his arm.

I ran over to Liam and held his hand sobbing.

" please come back to me" I said laying my head on his bed.


So here's another update hoped you liked it

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Jade x

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